• You don't want to talk about the fact that Hillary Clinton defended a rapist successfully, and I want everybody to remember the name Kathy Shelton. She deserves a hearing. I know CNN did not want to put her on CNN the other night when she was in the debate hall. I thought it was incredibly courageous and brave of her to be there.

    Kellyanne Conway: You don't want to talk about the fact that Hillary Clinton defended a rapist successfully, and I want everybody to remember the name Kathy Shelton. She deserves a hearing. I know CNN did not want to put her on CNN the other night when she was in the debate hall. I thought it was incredibly courageous and brave of her to be there.
    "Anderson Cooper vs. Conway on Trump's Ivanka Comments; "Why Would A Father Say That About His Own Daughter?"". Interview With Anderson Cooper, www.realclearpolitics.com. October 12, 2016.