Kathrine Switzer Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Kathrine Switzer's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Kathrine Switzer's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since January 5, 1947! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • 1967 race in Boston changed not just my life, but millions of women's lives. There are also things that, when you get older, resonate more.

  • When I was first running marathons, we were sailing on a flat earth. We were afraid we'd get big legs, grow mustaches, not get boyfriends, not be able to have babies. Women thought that something would happen to them, that they'd break down or turn into men, something shadowy, when they were only limited by their own society's sense of limitations.

  • I organized this global series of races. The data from those races, along with the tremendous amount of lobbying and meetings with federations, convinced the IOC. We got the women's marathon in the Olympic Games in 1984. That was my dream.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • I married the right guy later in life. Roger Robinson is just so wonderful but I was 40 and by that time he had been married and had his family. I realized how dangerous children could truly be. So I feel maternal when I see those women run.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • I forgave Jock Semple his action on Boston race just around the time I got to Heartbreak Hill. I had 24 miles to go and you cannot run 24 miles and stay angry. That's the truth. When we go out and we're mad at our boss or mad at the world, when we run, we get it out of our system.

    Running   Boston  
    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • I said that there's going to come a day in our lives when women's running is as popular and as men's. Looking back, I obviously had a great sense of vision. And I was right.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • When I got the women's marathon into the Olympics and we had races all over the world I thought, 'That's great, now we're heading towards total equality.' Then you see that there are women who are still not allowed to drive, get an education, or travel unless they have a male companion or can't carry their passport. There are those who are mired with incredible poverty in North Africa, the mid-east, South East Asia and there's a ridiculous amount of human trafficking.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • A picture, of Jock Semple kissed me,appeared in The New York Times the next day after Boston Marathon in 1973, and the caption was "The end of an era."

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • Life is for participating, not for spectating.

  • Jock Semple said "Oh the women ran well today the Boston Marathon and they deserve to be in the race." I had to laugh. I said "Well it took us five years but anyway, we're here." It pretty much changed everything.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon.

    "This Inspiring, Blind Young Man Is Running the NYC Marathon to Save Lives" by Sibylle Eschapasse, www.theepochtimes.com. October 29, 2015.
  • I do forgive people when they get it right, even people who in the past I thought were unforgivable.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • Jock Semple and I were at daggers drawn for five years, even though I kind of forgave him from the get-go. I knew he was an over-stressed race director, I knew he was protecting his race. It took five years because we had to do our homework - meaning we women - we did our legislative work and we officially got into the Boston Marathon. Then, all was forgiven by Jock Semple.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • There is an expression among even the most advanced runners that getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout

    Kathrine Switzer (2014). “Running & Walking for Women Over 40”, p.26, Diversion Books
  • Triumph over adversity that's what the marathon is all about. Nothing in life can't triumph after that

  • All you need is the courage to believe in yourself and put one foot in front of the other.

  • When I finished the Boston race in 1967, there were two things I wanted to do. I wanted to become a better athlete because my first marathon was 4:20. In those days, that was considered a jogging time and I knew people were going to tease me. But I was more fascinated with what women could do if they only had the chance.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • What I've done in this older part of my life is I started foundation called 261 Fearless, named after my old ,1967 Boston Marathon, bib number.I thought we could create training and a communicative, non-judgmental platform, in a movement to let them know they're not alone. Then fearless women can reach out to help women who are fearful and take that first step using the vehicle of running because it's transformational. It works for every woman every time.

  • When I go to the Boston Marathon now, I have wet shoulders—women fall into my arms crying. They're weeping for joy because running has changed their lives. They feel they can do anything.

    Running   Boston  
  • Most people don't know this but over the course of time, the official of the race in 1967 in Boston, who attacked me Jock Semple and I became very good friends. That gave me a whole new perspective on forgiveness.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • At the finish line of the 1967 Boston Marathon, one crabby journalist said it was just a one-off deal and women weren't going to run. Only a 20-year-old who had just run a marathon and was shot full of endorphin would say this but I said that there's going to come a day in our lives when women's running is as popular and as men's.

    Running   Boston  
    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • If you feel positive, you have a sense of hope. If you have hope, you can have courage.

  • Women were afraid and they would never even imagine running a marathon in 1967.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • Five years after Boston 1967, I went to the Munich Olympics. I realized that major sponsorship could help me create the opportunity. I wrote a big proposal to Avon cosmetics on how creating a global series of women's races could lead to getting women in the Olympic marathon. People thought I was smoking poppy at the time. The longest event in the Olympic Games was 800m.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • I don't have any kids of my own, quite by choice. There are two reasons for that. One, I had a sense of obligation for what my life would be and a vision of how to get that accomplished and it didn't include children. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that if you have them, they deserve 100 per cent of your attention.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • Women is out because she's getting in her daily dose of empowerment, freedom and fearlessness. She has put on her freedom wings for 20 minutes or two hours. That's going to make her whole day right and her whole future hold up and seem entirely possible. The sense of her not having any limits, or any restrictions, to me, is so liberating. She doesn't have to prove anything.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • Talent is everywhere, it only needs the opportunity.

  • A lack of forgiveness is a waste of time and it's very enriching to forgive and move on but those are things that come with time.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • Jock Semple and I began appearing at speeches together and he came up to me on the start line in 1973 and planted a big kiss on my cheek. He said in his Scottish brogue: "Come on lass, let's get a wee bit of notoriety." He never said he was sorry but that was his way of saying it, I'm sure.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
  • I always say that talent and capability is everywhere, all it needs is opportunity.

    Source: runningmagazine.ca
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Kathrine Switzer quotes about: Marathon Opportunity Running Sports