Katherine Anne Porter Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Katherine Anne Porter's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Journalist Katherine Anne Porter's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since May 15, 1890! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Writing does not exclude the full life; it demands it.

  • We are born knowing death.

  • There are so many things that we are capable of, that we could be or do. The potentialities are so great that we never, any of us, are more than one-fourth fulfilled.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Joan Givner (1987). “Katherine Anne Porter: Conversations”, p.85, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • Most people won't realise that writing is a craft. You have to take your apprenticeship in it like anything else.

  • I work whenever I'm let.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Joan Givner (1987). “Katherine Anne Porter: Conversations”, p.96, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • Your mind outwears all sorts of things you may set your heart upon; you can enjoy it when all other things are taken away.

    Katherine Anne Porter (2008). “Katherine Anne Porter: Collected Stories & Other Writings”, p.270, Library of America
  • Lovemaking surely must be, for human beings at our present state of development, one of the more private enterprises. Who would want a witness to that entire self-abandonment and helplessness?

  • Nothing is mine, I have only nothing but it is enough, it is beautiful and it is all mine. Do I even walk about in my own skin or is it something I have borrowed to spare my modesty?

    Katherine Anne Porter (2014). “Pale Horse, Pale Rider: Three Short Novels: A Library of America eBook Classic”, p.125, Library of America
  • I will never again attempt to tell any young person what to do - the really gifted don't need advice and the others can't take it.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Joan Givner (1987). “Katherine Anne Porter: Conversations”, p.119, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • who wants to read about success? It is the early struggle which makes a good story.

    Katherine Anne Porter (2008). “Katherine Anne Porter: Collected Stories & Other Writings”, p.685, Library of America
  • The human heart is not yet so corroded that it can read off the extinction of these two men without a shock to the very roots of its belief in justice and humanity.

    The Nation, August 31, 1927.
  • I love to praise what I love, and I won't for a minute believe that love is blind -- indeed, it gives clearness without sharpness, and surely that is the best light in which to look at anything.

  • I was always restless, always a roving spirit. When I was a little child I was always running away. I never got very far, but they were always having to come and fetch me. Once when I was about six, my father came to get me somewhere I'd gone, and he told me later he'd asked me, "Why are you so restless? Why can't you stay here with us?" and I said to him, "I want to go and see the world. I want to know the world like the palm of my hand.

  • I have not much interest in anyone's personal history after the tenth year, not even my own. Whatever one was going to be was all prepared before that.

    Katherine Anne Porter (2008). “Katherine Anne Porter: Collected Stories & Other Writings”, p.650, Library of America
  • All working, practical political systems, even those professing to originate in moral grandeur, are based upon and operate by contempt of human life and the individual fate.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Darlene Harbour Unrue (2008). “Collected stories and other writings”
  • You do not create a style. You work, and develop yourself; your style is an emanation from your own being.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Joan Givner (1987). “Katherine Anne Porter: Conversations”, p.93, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • Be respectful of words. They mean something.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Isabel Bayley (1994). “Letters of Katherine Anne Porter”, p.274, Atlantic Monthly Press
  • It is as hard to find a neutral critic as it is a neutral country in time of war. I suppose if a critic were neutral, he wouldn't trouble to write anything.

  • I specialize in what the French call la petite histoire. I am interested in the individual thumbprint.

  • Death cancels our engagements, but it does not affect the consequences of our acts in life.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Isabel Bayley (1994). “Letters of Katherine Anne Porter”, p.83, Atlantic Monthly Press
  • There have been many times when I have been so entirely sickened of life it was very hard to work to keep on, a half dozen times I have been tempted to suicide, but I am glad I did not give way, for I have always felt that the last half of my life would somehow atone for the first half, and I still think it may ... It is not possible to live in this world without suffering unless one is a born stone. But it is also possible to have a great deal of happiness in spite of the suffering.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Isabel Bayley (1994). “Letters of Katherine Anne Porter”, p.94, Atlantic Monthly Press
  • advance money is really a delusion, that is to say, I get no more until it is paid out in sales, but still, living from hand to mouth and day to day as I do, a nickel in the hand is more useful than the same nickel next year. What do I know about next year? I've never been there. I don't know any one who has.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Isabel Bayley (1994). “Letters of Katherine Anne Porter”, p.370, Atlantic Monthly Press
  • The arts do live continuously, and they live literally by faith; their names and their shapes and their uses and their basic meanings survive unchanged in all that matters through times of interruption, diminishment, neglect; they outlive governments and creeds and the societies, even the very civilization that produced them. They cannot be destroyed altogether because they represent the substance of faith and the only reality. They are what we find again when the ruins are cleared away.

    "Flowering Judas". "Flowering Judas" by Katherine Anne Porter, The Modern Library, 1940.
  • God does not know whether a skin is black or white, He sees only souls.

    Katherine Anne Porter (2008). “Katherine Anne Porter: Collected Stories & Other Writings”, p.423, Library of America
  • I think I've only spent about ten percent of my energies on writing. The other ninety percent went to keeping my head above water.

  • The thing is not to follow a pattern. Follow your own pattern of feeling and thought. The thing is to accept your own life and not try to live someone else's life. Look, the thumbprint is not like any other, and the thumbprint is what you must go by.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Joan Givner (1987). “Katherine Anne Porter: Conversations”, p.86, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • Adventure is something you seek for pleasure, or even for profit, like a gold rush or invading a country;...but experience is what really happens to you in the long run; the truth that finally overtakes you.

    Running   Country   Truth  
  • Civilization, let me tell you what it is. First the soldier, then the merchant, then the priest, then the lawyer. The merchant hires the soldier and priest to conquer the country for him. First the soldier, he is a murderer; then the priest, he is a liar; then the merchant, he is a thief; and they all bring in the lawyer to make their laws and defend their deeds, and there you have your civilization!

    Katherine Anne Porter (2015). “Ship of Fools: A Novel”, p.126, Open Road Media
  • Art is a vocation, as much as anything in this world. For the real artist, it is the most natural thing in the world, not as necessary as air and water, perhaps, but as food and water. But we really do lead almost a monastic life, you know; to follow it you very often have to give up something.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Joan Givner (1987). “Katherine Anne Porter: Conversations”, p.86, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • The greatest art comes out of warmth and conviction and deep feeling, but then, very few people, even geniuses, have all that.

    Katherine Anne Porter, Isabel Bayley (1994). “Letters of Katherine Anne Porter”, p.6, Atlantic Monthly Press
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 2 quotes from the Journalist Katherine Anne Porter, starting from May 15, 1890! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!