Judith Crist Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Judith Crist's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Film critic Judith Crist's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since May 22, 1922! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • In this era of affluence and of permissiveness, we have, in all but cultural areas, bred a nation of overprivileged youngsters, saturated with vitamins, television and plastic toys.

    Judith Crist (1968). “The private eye, the cowboy, and the very naked girl: movies from Cleo to Clyde”
  • Amid all the easily loved darlings of Charlie Brown's circle, obstreperous Lucy holds a special place in my heart. She fusses and fumes and she carps and complains. That's because Lucy cares. And it's the caring that counts.

    "Judith Crist, a Blunt and Influential Film Critic, Dies at 90". Interview With Douglas Martin, www.nytimes.com. August 7, 2012.
  • What censorship accomplishes, creating an unreal and hypocritical mythology, fomenting an attraction for forbidden fruit, inhibiting the creative minds among us and fostering an illicit trade. Above all, it curtails the right of the individual, be he creator or consumer, to satisfy his intellect and his interest without harm. In our law-rooted society, we are not the keeper of our brother's morals - only of his rights.

  • The secret to success is written on the doors of this auditorium. One side says 'Push,' the other side says 'Pull.

  • Movies suddenly became film and cinema an art form and terribly chic.

  • Happiness is too many things these days for anyone to wish it on anyone lightly. So let's just wish each other a bileless New Year and leave it at that.

    Funny   New Year   Years  
  • Film criticism became the means whereby a stream of young intellectuals could go straight from the campus film society into the professionals' screening room without managing to get a glimpse of the real world in between.

    Judith Crist (1968). “The private eye, the cowboy, and the very naked girl: movies from Cleo to Clyde”
  • The one and original lovable monster is lost amid all the hydraulic manipulations in what now emerges as the story of a dumb blonde who falls for a huge plastic finger.

  • All you'll get from strangers is surface pleasantry or indifference. Only someone who loves you will criticize you.

  • just as violence is the last refuge of the inarticulate, so it is also the first resort of the incompetent, the easy out for the man who is capable of expressing himself only in the most primitive and vulgar of dramatic terms. He leaves us with only the obscenity of violence per se - and the pornographer thereof will always be with us, in film as in any other medium. And so will his audience.

    Judith Crist (1968). “The private eye, the cowboy, and the very naked girl: movies from Cleo to Clyde”
  • It is essential for the good of criticism that both the critic and the public face the fact that a review is not the voice of God.

    "Judith Crist: The Lady Has No Respect" by William Rice in The Tuscaloosa News (p. 10), November 23, 1968.
  • The critics who love are the severe ones . . . we know our relationship must be based on honesty.

    Judith Crist (1968). “The private eye, the cowboy, and the very naked girl: movies from Cleo to Clyde”
  • To be a critic, you have to have maybe three percent education, five percent intelligence, two percent style, and 90 percent gall and egomania in equal parts.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Film critic Judith Crist, starting from May 22, 1922! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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