John Carmack Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of John Carmack's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Programmer John Carmack's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since August 20, 1970! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Low-level programming is good for the programmer's soul.

    Soul   Levels   Computer  
  • Focus is a matter of deciding what things you're not going to do.

  • Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better.

    "The Rise And Fall of Ion Storm" by John Carmack, January 2, 2002.
  • Sometimes, the elegant implementation is just a function. Not a method. Not a class. Not a framework. Just a function.

    Twitter post from Mar 31, 2011
  • Honestly, I spend very little time thinking about past events, and I certainly don't have them ranked in any way. I look back and think that I have done a lot of good work over the years, but I am much more excited about what the future holds.

    Interview with Kikizo, January 3, 2006.
  • An interesting question: is it easier to motivate a learned individual that never does anything, or educate an ignorant individual that actually produces things?

  • Everybody's saturated with the marketing hype of next-generation consoles. They are wonderful, but the truth is that they are as powerful as a high end PC is right now.

  • It is not that uncommon for the cost of an abstraction to outweigh the benefit it delivers. Kill one today!

    Cost   Benefits   Today  
    Twitter post from Oct 11, 2010
  • Note to self: Pasty-skinned programmers ought not stand in the Mojave desert for multiple hours.

    Self   Mojave   Desert  
    John Carmack's plan of Quake 3 Arena Project, May 15, 2000.
  • Programming is not a zero-sum game. Teaching something to a fellow programmer doesn't take it away from you. I'm happy to share what I can, because I'm in it for the love of programming.

    Zero   Teaching   Games  
  • If you aren't sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better.

    "The Rise And Fall of Ion Storm" by John Carmack, January 2, 2002.
  • I wanted to remain a technical adviser for Id, but it just didn't work out. Probably for the best, as the divided focus was challenging.

    Twitter post from Nov 22, 2013
  • The cost of adding a feature isn't just the time it takes to code it. The cost also includes the addition of an obstacle to future expansion. ... The trick is to pick the features that don't fight each other.

  • Focused, hard work is the real key to success.

    Real   Hard Work   Keys  
    "The Rise and Fall of Ion Storm". Slashdot, January 2, 2002.
  • I really think, if anything, there is more evidence to show that the violent games reduce aggression and violence. There have actually been some studies about that, that it's cathartic. If you go to QuakeCon and you walk by and you see the people there [and compare that to] a random cross section of a college campus, you're probably going to find a more peaceful crowd of people at the gaming convention. I think it’s at worst neutral and potentially positive.

    "Violent Games Reduce Aggression, Says Id Boss". IndustryGamers Interview, July 31, 2011.
  • Making one brilliant decision and a whole bunch of mediocre ones isn't as good as making a whole bunch of generally smart decisions throughout the whole process.

  • In the information age, the barriers [to entry into programming] just aren't there. The barriers are self imposed. If you want to set off and go develop some grand new thing, you don't need millions of dollars of capitalization. You need enough pizza and Diet Coke to stick in your refrigerator, a cheap PC to work on, and the dedication to go through with it. We slept on floors. We waded across rivers.

    "Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture". Book by David Kushner, May 6, 2003.
  • The important point is that the cost of adding a feature isn't just the time it takes to code it. The cost also includes the addition of an obstacle to future expansion. Sure, any given feature list can be implemented, given enough coding time. But in addition to coming out late, you will usually wind up with a codebase that is so fragile that new ideas that should be dead-simple wind up taking longer and longer to work into the tangled existing web. The trick is to pick the features that don't fight each other.

  • Because of the nature of Moore's law, anything that an extremely clever graphics programmer can do at one point can be replicated by a merely competent programmer some number of years later.

    Clever   Years   Law Interview with Tom Ham, January 2004.
  • The Xbox 360 is the first console that I've ever worked with that actually has development tools that are better for games than what we've had on PC.

    Xbox   Games   Tools  
    "Microsoft Unveils Games For Its New Xbox 360" by Seth Schiesel, October 6, 2005.
  • The situation is so much better for programmers today - a cheap used PC, a linux CD, and an internet account, and you have all the tools necessary to work your way to any level of programming skill you want to shoot for.

    Cds   Skills   Tools  
    "Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture". Book by David Kushner, May 6, 2003.
  • Rocket science has been mythologized all out of proportion to its true difficulty.

  • The Escalation programmers come from a completely different background, and the codebase is all STL this, boost that, fill-up-the-property list, dispatch the event, and delegate that. I had been harboring some suspicions that our big codebases might benefit from the application of some more of the various “modern” C++ design patterns, despite seeing other large game codebases suffer under them. I have since recanted that suspicion.

    "John Carmack discusses RAGE on iPhone/iPad/iPod" by John Carmack, October 26, 2010.
  • You can prematurely optimize maintainability, flexibility, security, and robustness just like you can performance.

    Twitter post from Sep 27, 2014
  • Some cynical people think that every activity must revolve around the mighty dollar, and that anyone saying otherwise is just attempting to delude the public. I will probably never be able to convice them that that isn't always the case, but I do have the satisfaction of knowing that I live in a less dingy world than they do.

  • I'd rather have a search engine or a compiler on a deserted island than a game.

  • If you're willing to restrict the flexibility of your approach, you can almost always do something better

  • The speed of light sucks.

    "The Egos At Id". Interview with Marc Laidlaw, August 1, 1996.
  • Programming in the abstract sense is what I really enjoy. I enjoy lots of different areas of it... I'm taking a great deal of enjoyment writing device drivers for Linux. I could also be having a good time writing a database manager or something because there are always interesting problems.

    Firing Squad Interview with Bob Colayco, February 9, 2000.
  • We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games. That statement will enrage some people, but it is hard to characterize it otherwise; both console versions will have larger audiences than the PC version.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Programmer John Carmack, starting from August 20, 1970! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
John Carmack quotes about: Inspirational

John Carmack

  • Born: August 20, 1970
  • Occupation: Programmer