J. Christopher Herold Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of J. Christopher Herold's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Editor J. Christopher Herold's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 6 quotes on this page collected since 1919! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Those who mistake their good luck for their merit are inevitably bound for disaster.

    J. Christopher Herold (2016). “Bonaparte In Egypt [Illustrated Edition]”, p.559, Pickle Partners Publishing
  • Napoleon, who had an aversion to the moral laxity of the eighteenth century, which he blamed on the domination of society by women, was determined to reform family life on Roman, or perhaps rather on Corsican, principles. It was with him, not with Queen Victoria, that Victorian morality originated.

    J. Christopher Herold (1983). “The Horizon book of the age of Napoleon”, Harmony
  • A collective insanity seemed to have seized the nation and turned them into something worse than beasts. The princess de Lamballe, Marie Antoinette's intimate friend, was literally torn to pieces; her head, breasts, and pudenda were paraded on pikes before the windows of the Temple, where the royal family was imprisoned, while a man boasted drunkenly at a cafe that he had eaten the princess' heart, which he probably had.

    J. Christopher Herold (2002). “The Age of Napoleon”, p.37, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • The Allies had made war on Napoleon as a tyrant and an oppressor of nations; yet once they had him out of the way, they did him the favor of representing him as the torch bearer of the French Revolution. They did him the further favor of repeating his mistakes and besting him at them.

  • His [Pitt's] successor as prime minister was Mr. Addington, who was a friend of Mr. Pitt, just as Mr. Pitt was a friend of Mr. Addington; but their respective friends were each other's enemies. Mr. Fox, who was Mr. Pitt's enemy (although many of his friends were Mr. Pitt's friends), had always stood uncompromisingly for peace with France and held dangerously liberal opinions; nevertheless, in 1804, Mr. Fox and Mr. Pitt got together to overthrow Mr. Pitt's friend Mr. Addington, who was pushing the war effort with insufficient vigor.

  • There is, of course, nothing wrong in a program that aims to please everybody, except that as a rule it is a prelude to dictatorship.

    J. Christopher Herold (2002). “The Age of Napoleon”, p.432, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
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