Ian Botham Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Ian Botham's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Cricketer Ian Botham's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 30 quotes on this page collected since November 24, 1955! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • For many sportsmen, coming face to face with irrefutable evidence of their mortality is the moment they dread above all others.

    Ian Botham (2017). “Botham: My Autobiography”, p.13, HarperCollins UK
  • A few years ago England would have struggled to beat the Eskimos

  • Sport can bring communities together and can release a lot of pent-up emotions

  • To me, it doesn't matter how good you are. Sport is all about playing and competing. Whatever you do in cricket and in sport, enjoy it, be positive and try to win.

  • If I'd done a quarter of the things of which I'm accused, I'd be pickled in alcohol, I'd be a registered drug addict and would have sired half the children in the world's cricket-playing countries

  • If you're playing against the Australians, you don't walk.

  • I think we are going to see exciting cricket all the way. We are watching the two best teams in the world-and I think England will eventually go on to pip Australia by a single Test

  • If you can change three lives in 10, three lives in a hundred, that's got to be good, hasn't it?

  • There is nothing more exciting in sport when the top two countries in the world are battling for the Ashes

  • Aussies are big and empty, just like their country.

  • Jacques Rudolph at the moment is using the inside edge as much as the middle of the bat.

  • Soccer and cricket were my main sports growing up. I had trials as a soccer player with a few clubs interested, Crystal Palace being one, but it was cricket which became my chosen profession.

  • The people in the villages had turned in on themselves. You can understand it. When you have a bad day on the field, what do you do? Talk to your teammates.

  • I'm not a great one for looking back.

  • Retiring for good wasn't difficult. I knew at the time it was right. I was no longer capable of achieving the standards I'd set myself and there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

  • I don't think I've actually drunk a beer for 15 years, except a few Guinnesses in Dublin, where it's the law.

  • I watched children dying. That will be the image that will stay with me

  • The most famous cricketers are too big to play county cricket.

  • I want to stress again one aspect of the game which is most important. Never argue with an umpire.

    1980 Ian Botham on Cricket.
  • Pakistan is the sort of place every man should send his mother-in-law, for a month, with all expenses paid.

  • To win in Australia, for me, has to be the ultimate success because the Aussies live for sport

  • What's happened has happened, so what can we do to make it better for tomorrow and the day after? That's why we're here

  • I half knew what to expect when I saw the cricket ground in the morning. It was when I started to talk to people working out there, I began to find what I was looking for.

  • I don't ask my wife to face Michael Holding, so there's no reason why I should be changing nappies.

    "The Open, Ian Botham, European Cup goals and Damon Albarn on target". www.theguardian.com. July 16, 2015.
  • Cricket is full of theorists who can ruin your game in no time.

    1980 Ian Botham on Cricket.
  • You wouldn't see those sorts of decisions given in village cricket, let alone Test cricket. The England players have my sympathy.

  • All people seem to want to talk about is the current Ashes series, and whether England are going to reverse the trend of recent series.

  • Genghis Khan was a fascinating man and way ahead of his time.

  • I can remember running around at the age of 3, wanting to play golf, cricket and football. I was always active, one way or another, driving my parents mad.

  • I think I'd struggle to get excited by synchronised swimming.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 30 quotes from the Cricketer Ian Botham, starting from November 24, 1955! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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