Helen M. Luke Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Helen M. Luke's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Helen M. Luke's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since 1904! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • The only valid cure for any kind of depression is the acceptance of real suffering. To climb out of it any other way is simply laying the foundation for the next depression.

    Helen M. Luke (2011). “The Way of Woman: Awakening the Perennial Feminine”, p.82, Image
  • The true light never hides the darkness but is born out of the very center of it, transforming and redeeming. So to the darkness we must return, each of us individually accepting his ignorance and loneliness, his sin and weakness, and, most difficult of all, consenting to wait in the dark and even to love the waiting

    Helen M. Luke (1992). “Kaleidoscope: The Way of Woman and Other Essays”, Morning Light Press
  • Each of us, as we journey through life, has the opportunity to find and to give his or her unique gift. Whether this gift is quiet or small in the eyes of the world does not matter at all-not at all; it is through the finding and the giving that we may come to know the joy that lies at the center of both the dark times and the light.

  • The ego will endure the worst agonies of neurotic misery rather than consent to one minute of diminishment of its sense of importance.

  • The coming to consciousness is not a discovery of some new thing; it is a long and painful return to that which has always been.

    Helen M. Luke (1975). “Dark wood to white rose: a study of meanings in Dante's Divine comedy”
  • Wisdom consists in doing the next thing that you have to do, doing it with your whole heart and finding delight in it — and the delight is the sense of the sacred.

  • Unless a man or woman has experienced the darkness of the soul he or she can know nothing of that transforming laughter without which no hint of the ultimate reality of the opposites can be faintly intuited.

  • We hurry through the so-called boring things in order to attend to that which we deem more important, interesting. Perhaps the final freedom will be a recognition that every thing in every moment is 'essential' and that nothing at all is 'important.'

    Helen M. Luke (2011). “The Way of Woman: Awakening the Perennial Feminine”, p.107, Image
  • The inner story, though the same in essence for all, is always single and unique in each human being, never before lived and never to be repeated.

    Helen M. Luke (2011). “The Way of Woman: Awakening the Perennial Feminine”, p.127, Image
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