Hedy Lamarr Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Hedy Lamarr's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Hedy Lamarr's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 78 quotes on this page collected since November 9, 1913! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Hedy Lamarr: Art Beauty Divorce Fathers Husband more...
  • Jack Kennedy always said to me, Hedy, get involved. That's the secret of life. Try everything. Join everything. Meet everybody.

  • If I had my way everyone would have a psychiatrist. When the brain is sick and you must throw up, you do it by being purged in a psychiatrist's office.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • Dates with actors, finally, just seemed to me evenings of shop talk. I got sick of it after a hile. So the more famous I became, the more I narrowed down my choices.

  • I was born an only child in Vienna, Austria. My father found hours to sit by me by the library fire and tell fairy stories.

  • One of my favorite people is Gypsy Rose Lee. She bears out the Biblical promise that he who has, gets. And I hope she gets a lot more.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • I have never liked bargains when it came to sex.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • I win because I learned years ago that scared money always loses. I never care, so I win.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • Hope & curiosity about the future seemed better than guarantees. The unknown was always so attractive to me...and still is.

  • I've met the most interesting people while flying or on a boat. These methods of travel seem to attract the kind of people I want to be with.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • When I attained a certain advanced intimacy with a man, and I don't just mean sex, I married him.

  • I don't fear death because I don't fear anything I don't understand. When I start to think about it, I order a massage and it goes away.

  • I find very often that very ugly women have really handsome men and vice versa because they don't have any competition. Sometimes handsome men have avoided me.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • I never go to funerals. To me a person is dead when he breathes for the last time. After that, your memories should be personal.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • I know why most people never get rich. They put the money ahead of the job. If you just think of the job, the money will automatically follow. This never fails.

  • Many people are target people. Once when Louis B. Mayer insulted me I poured a glass of water over his head.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid.

    Quoted in Richard Schickel, The Stars (1962)
  • Making pictures, for an actress, is like betting, for a gambler. Each time you make a picture you try to analyze why you won or lost.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • The world isn't getting any easier. With all these new inventions I believe that people are hurried more and pushed more... The hurried way is not the right way; you need time for everything - time to work, time to play, time to rest.

  • I'm fifty-one years old, but I'm not through yet. I have lived a full life, and intend packing in quite a lot more.

  • Experts always know everything but the fine points. When I took my citizenship exams, no one there knew how the White House came to be called the White House.

  • Men are fine, love is fine, it's marriage I'm a little disappointed in.

  • Because you don't live near a bakery doesn't mean you have to go without cheesecake.

  • I have not been that wise. Health I have taken for granted. Love I have demanded, perhaps too much and too often. As for money, I have only realized its true worth when I didn't have it.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • I don't believe in life after death. But I do believe in some grinding destiny that watches over us on earth. If I didn't, the safety valve would give and the boiler would explode.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • I have never seen a wrestling match or a prize fight, and I don't want to. When I find out a man is interested in these sports, I drop him.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • The ceremony took six minutes. The marriage lasted about the same amount of time though we didn't get a divorce for almost a year.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
  • I enjoy countless hundreds pursuing me. I love those who love me the most. I am sort of flattered by men showing attention to me.

  • All my six husbands married me for different reasons.

  • I'm a sworn enemy of convention. I despise the conventional in anything, even the arts.

  • To be a star is to own the world and all the people in it. After a taste of stardom, everything else is poverty.

    Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 78 quotes from the Actress Hedy Lamarr, starting from November 9, 1913! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Hedy Lamarr quotes about: Art Beauty Divorce Fathers Husband

    Hedy Lamarr

    • Born: November 9, 1913
    • Died: January 19, 2000
    • Occupation: Actress