Harold Klemp Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Harold Klemp's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Harold Klemp's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 108 quotes on this page collected since 1942! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Every problem contains a solution. The key is self-discipline and surrender of the mental habits to the Holy Spirit.

  • The outflow that comes from giving of oneself opens the door to spiritual unfoldment while the attitude of taking locks it.

  • Youth are the leaders of tomorrow. Those who practice the Spiritual Exercises of Eck will know how to lead by the example of love instead of the methods of force and lies, which are the standards of leaders under the spell of the negative force.

  • If you have love, you have all

  • An individual's state of consciousness (awareness) simply means his ability to accept change in his life. It includes new thoughts and new feelings, and the new behavior and actions that will naturally come as a result.

  • When your day is hard, remember to sing HU. It puts you back in line with the Holy Spirit.

  • A person with a golden heart is filled with love and likes to see something that he starts completed and done well.

    Harold Klemp (1988). “Book of Eck Parables”, Illuminated Way Publishing
  • God's Love is always working to help Soul find its way back home

  • Most people think they are searching for truth when they are really searching for love

  • All good virtues and goodness itself will gradually find their true home in the heart in which love dwells, and all other qualities will wither and die

  • Children have the wisdom of God and are closer to it than many people who have spent years in this world gaining all kinds of knowledge about the nature of religion. Children have it naturally.

  • The choices you've made in the past are the direct cause of all your unhappiness today.

  • Divine Spirit has a way of doing exactly what is right for everyone concerned at the moment.

  • Herein, lies the key to love. Love builds bridges. Soul exists because God loves It. Soul equals Soul; no one Soul is greater than another. Experience the greatest love of all.

  • One word of love is worth more than a thousand clever speeches.

  • And where there's pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind.

    Harold Klemp (1994). “Stories to help you see God in your life: ECK parables”
  • Love won't come through unless the heart is open. To work with an open heart is to love or care for something or someone more than you do for yourself. This is the first step to the divine love that we all are looking for.

  • You can’t make yourself closer to God by hating someone else, whether you believe it’s righteous anger or not. The relationship between Soul—which is you—and God is one of love. And where there’s pure love, there is no room for anger of any kind.

    Harold Klemp (1994). “Stories to help you see God in your life: ECK parables”
  • Knowledge can bring many things..but the consciousness of the heart brings love, and love brings everything

  • All the help that comes to us is form the Holy Spirit, whether it comes in a dream or through the help of a friend or doctor. The trick is the discrimination you need: to tell what's good for you and what's not good for you. This comes by listening to your heart.

  • What prepares you for the true path of God? The experiences of life.

  • Learning means making errors. Those who are learning spiritually make errors just the way anyone does when he is growing.

  • Only through the inner channels can a person even hope to approach the ancient wisdoms. The outer works are thus simply a doorway to the hidden, spiritual things of life.

  • A Seed for Contemplation: Creative people who cherish the gift of life often slip into the secret chambers of the creative mind. Their solutions are well-rounded, more sensible than those of people who rely solely upon reason as their mainstay. Gratitude unseals fountains of creativity, because a grateful person is relaxed. This allows him to take stock of his circumstances with an objective mind. A creative person often gets three-dimensional answers to his problems. -.

  • There is a power in people who dream big and who try hard.

  • Life is a stream of happy and unhappy experiences, because that leads to Soul's purification. How do you get by in the dark times? Try to give love to someone, especially then.

  • As we unfold spiritually, the reality of our inner life enters new dimensions and we must change with it.

  • There is a way to bring peace and harmony to yourself even in the most difficult of times.

  • You know your general purpose is to become a Co-worker with God. So how do you identify your personal goal?

  • Both the dream state and Soul Travel are doors to the same spiritual worlds.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 108 quotes from the Harold Klemp, starting from 1942! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!