Grimes Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Grimes's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Musician Grimes's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 99 quotes on this page collected since March 17, 1988! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • One thing with Montreal is it's so cold and everyone's so poor and beer's so cheap: if you go to a show you have to brave the weather to get there. So you show up and everyone's soaking wet - there's a sense of 'I trekked through three feet of snow to get here!' I think there's a kind of camaraderie that arises out of that, that's important to me as well.

  • I usually like to get people in because I don't have a band or anything. In cities where I have friends, I try to get them to come out and dance for me.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • I like going crazy. And not just for art - I like extremes in general.

  • I know texture is really important, but I think texture and stuff precedes songwriting a lot of the time these days.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • I'm just very obsessed with Japanese stuff in general.

  • I think one of the reasons I'm successful as a musician is that the first like 30 shows I played, I played with no monitors standing in front of guitar amps in a shitty, smoky warehouse where people were screaming and wasted, knocking over my gear. So shows after that seem pretty easy!

  • I don't want to have to compromise my morals in order to make a living.

    "Grimes Wrote a Tumblr Manifesto Against Sexism" by Amanda Dobbins, April 24, 2013.
  • Usually when I make music, in my head I'm like 'this isn't Grimes, this is just some other project that you can release later, so there's no pressure and it doesn't matter and no-one's ever gonna hear it'.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • When an artist, or whomever, moves from their scene to the bigger pond, it starts getting crazy, because all of a sudden people don't respect you, and you have to start being a lot more aggressive than you would normally be.

    "Tavi Gevinson". Interview with Grimes, September 11, 2014.
  • I would never go to a studio. I need my space, you know what I mean? I need to be able to chain smoke and pace about, cry and like... spit. Just make noise, make a huge mess. I also feel like if I was concerned for the cost of the studio - like, 'this is costing 40 dollars an hour' - I wouldn't be able to work.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • The last thing I think about when I'm making music is its reception.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • I prefer making videos to making music.

    "Grimes: 'Genesis'". Interview with Carrie Battan, August 27, 2012.
  • Fashion can be a really powerful tool, but it's also a place where you can be totally humiliated and have your power taken from you.

  • Sometimes you find people who are magnetic, but once they get in front of a camera, they freak out and get weird.

    "Grimes: 'Genesis'". Interview with Carrie Battan, August 27, 2012.
  • I just watched another person I care deeply about basically turn into Gollum and my heart is broken.

  • As a producer, I'm trying to challenge myself to just make something that is of a professional quality - not necessarily pop music, but maybe in the sense that Nine Inch Nails is professional quality.

  • I grew up going to punk shows, that kind of thing - I don't wanna make pop punk! - but I like the idea of people going totally crazy and it being really intimate, loud and super-aggressive, but combining that with pop music.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • It takes me probably about four hours to get into the groove [with making music]. And it's really important for me to not break the groove.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • I listen to a lot of medieval music.

  • I definitely see the voice as an instrument: It makes great drums, great synth pads, great everything. Vocals can be so many things, like, "Hey, I'm Michael Jackson, and this is my iconic voice," or a choir of people sounding like Mozart's Requiem. Mariah Carey is my favorite singer because her voice sounds utterly groundless. It's not even a human voice; it almost sounds mechanical.

  • Miami is just really fun whenever I go there. It's like this post-apocalyptic Barbie world: everything is pink, and there're palm trees everywhere. But then there are also all these people in crazy sunglasses, warehouses with sick parties where all the girls are covered in spikes and black leather. It's a very weird place.

  • I'm sad that it's uncool or offensive to talk about environmental or human rights issues.

    "Sexism In Music Targeted By Female Singer Grimes In New Blog Post". April 24, 2013.
  • By the time I'm 50, there is probably going to be a nuclear holocaust. I should just enjoy myself.

  • Lets make it known that we don't want to give away our beautiful homeland to corporate interests. It is our right as Canadians to be part of these decisions. The only thing standing between this world and environmental catastrophe is us

  • I think Canadians make a lot of music because we're stuck inside all the time.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • I find it really hard to throw myself into something artistically where I'm making up a whole character and finding something for that character to do.

    "Grimes: 'Genesis'". Interview with Carrie Battan, August 27, 2012.
  • I have a lot of Japanese friends: I grew up in Vancouver, and there's this huge Japanese population over there.

  • Mariah Carey is my favorite singer because her voice sounds utterly groundless. It's not even a human voice; it almost sounds mechanical.

    Interview with Carrie Battan, February 16, 2012.
  • I write music better in the winter, I prefer making music when it's dark.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
  • If I think about what other people are thinking when I'm making music, I just can't do it. It's too withheld - I need to go totally over the top, and then kind of clean it up a bit and make it more reasonable after the fact.

    "Always Waiting For The Shivers To Happen: Grimes Interviewed". Interview with Angus Finlayson, May 25, 2012.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 99 quotes from the Musician Grimes, starting from March 17, 1988! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Grimes quotes about: Giving Pop Music Songs


    • Born: March 17, 1988
    • Occupation: Musician