Greg Lake Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Greg Lake's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Musician Greg Lake's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 29 quotes on this page collected since November 10, 1947! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • There is no standing still because time is moving forward.

  • Philosophically, what I have learned is to thy own self be true. That is the biggest lesson of all. Relax; music is fun. To many people take it to seriously because of the money involved.

  • The early ELP albums were pioneering in a way.

  • turn me on

  • I couldn't say there is a formula to songwriting. Each time is a unique experience.

  • I feel with ELP that I wasn't making the most of my life and I wasn't making the most of my creativity. I was marking time. I don't want to do that. Life is to short.

  • Again there are so many records which contain fond memories and music and songs of which I have to say I am quite proud. There are a couple of tracks which in retrospect on which I now wish I had pushed the red button, however I'm sure this is true of any artist career that has spanned the number of years that mine has. I do not believe however that I have ever made a bad record and I have certainly never made a record to which I didn't give my complete commitment.

  • I love touring in the United States. It's dramatically different wherever you go. North to south you're going from snow to palm trees.

  • Making a comeback is one of the most difficult things to do with dignity.

  • Sometimes you have to grit your teeth and remain tenacious and just believe the end will come. Other times it's not an issue. You just write on and the end comes naturally.

  • I like the sense of the road passing my eyes. It's always a fascinating experience to come into a new city...the sense of the people changing, the food changing, everything changing, the art.

  • I love to see new talent, new people beginning. It's a wonderful thing, and one wonders where their journey will take them. Sometimes they ask me for advice but it's very difficult to advise people. Everyone has their own destiny really.

  • You want each city to be different, not just see the same shopping malls and stores wherever you go. That's not healthy.

  • As I said to Ringo, I was in a successful Rock N Roll band. He was in a band that changed the world. That's the difference.

  • Unless you go forward then you are going back.

  • I think for me, any great art is art which communicates human emotion.

  • Songwriting is never one thing. I've spent as long as three months writing a song. Other times I've done it in twenty minutes.

  • I continue to write. It's just one of those things that I do. I'll have periods when I write and periods when I don't. But you don't want it to become a discipline really. If it becomes a discipline, it becomes a chore and that's no good.

  • I don't think art is a goal orientated business. I don't do things for the challenges, I only do them because I love them, I'm not really a goal orientated, achiever type of person.

  • When you are in a band for a number of years you loose your identity in a way. You become a part of that band and then all of a sudden you are not part of that band. You are still the band without the other two members.

  • I understand travel. I understand the experience of travel. I mean there is something of the "air-conditioned gypsy" in me.

  • Traveling is a bit of a push sometimes. When you're doing a lot of miles and you're doing a lot of shows, it does get wearing.

  • Music is an emotional experience, and that is what imprints itself on the soul.

  • I would like to involve myself in some black music. I would like to do some blues and some gospel music. I want to try stuff from other genres and try to widen my musical base.

  • To make art you need to be inspired.

  • As long as people want to hear me play and as long as I'm able to play, then I will. I enjoy playing and performing. If I wasn't doing that, what else would I do?

  • The greatest music is made for love, not for money.

    "Mourning the celebrities who died in 2016 and celebrating the legacy they left behind" by Rachael Bletchly, December 10, 2016.
  • When you play music with someone who has a heart rather than playing with someone who is just doing it for money or is cynical it makes all the difference.

  • Walking through the Capitol Building gives you a sense of how it all began here. It was reassuring to see how restrained it was. It was very humble in a way.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 29 quotes from the Musician Greg Lake, starting from November 10, 1947! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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