Gerald Jampolsky Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Gerald Jampolsky's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Gerald Jampolsky's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 59 quotes on this page collected since 1925! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge.

    Gerald Jampolsky (2009). “Good-Bye to Guilt: Releasing Fear Through Forgiveness”, p.138, Bantam
  • More and more people are beginning to feel that there must be another way of thinking, perceiving, and acting. And perhaps the beginning of another way of looking at the world is to re-evaluate all of our beliefs. It is, after all, our beliefs that determine what we are, experience, and expect. When we are willing to take a new look at our own beliefs, we then have an opportunity to begin rediscovering who and what we are and to redetermine our true purpose on Earth.

  • Choose to be a love-finder rather than a faultfinder.

    Gerald Jampolsky (2009). “Good-Bye to Guilt: Releasing Fear Through Forgiveness”, p.71, Bantam
  • Love is the part of us that is real.

  • The secret of forgiveness is not to procrastinate, but to free yourself immediately of stress by totally forgiving this instant.

  • As long as we hold unforgivable thoughts in our mind, we will not be able to experience total inner peace.

    Gerald Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione (2010). “Love Is the Answer: Creating Postive Relationships”, p.112, Bantam
  • When we think we have been hurt by someone in the past, we build up defenses to protect ourselves from being hurt in the future. So the fearful past causes a fearful future and the past and future become one. We cannot love when we feel fear.... When we release the fearful past and forgive everyone, we will experience total love and oneness with all.

    Letting Go   Hurt   Past  
  • Forgiveness means letting go of the past.

    Gerald Jampolsky (2009). “Good-Bye to Guilt: Releasing Fear Through Forgiveness”, p.102, Bantam
  • You can choose to be peaceful right here and now ... it has nothing to do with what other people do or think.

  • Forgiveness is the way to true health and happiness.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. (2008). “Teach Only Love: The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing: Easyread Edition”, p.132,
  • The mind can be thought of as containing reels and reels of motion picture film about our past experiences. These images are superimposed not only on each other but also on the lens through which we experience the present.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.42, Celestial Arts
  • Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change others.

  • Choose to experience peace rather than conflict.

    Gerald Jampolsky (2009). “Good-Bye to Guilt: Releasing Fear Through Forgiveness”, p.71, Bantam
  • There is no right or wrong behavior. The only meaningful choice is between fear and love.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. (2008). “Teach Only Love: The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing: Easy Read Comfort Edition”, p.54,
  • Nothing is impossible when we follow our inner guidance, even when its direction may threaten us by reversing our usual logic.

  • Everyday ask yourself the question, "Do I want to experience Peace of Mind or do I want to experience Conflict?

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.68, Celestial Arts
  • To be impatient is to be hooked on the future.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione (1992). “Wake-Up Calls”, Hay House Incorporated
  • Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.58, Celestial Arts
  • Whenever we give help, we unfailingly see that the answer to all our needs is already within the very situation we think is hurting us. By becoming totally open and harmless, we see that there is no one who cannot help us and no instant when we are not surrounded by God's love and His guiding presence.

  • No way exists in the present to accurately determine the future effect of the least of our actions.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2011). “Teach Only Love: The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing”, p.50, Simon and Schuster
  • To be consistent in achieving inner peace, we must perceive a world where everyone is innocent.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.107, Celestial Arts
  • I wonder why / no one ever told me / that the rainbow / and the treasure / were both within me.

  • Not judging is another way of letting go of fear and experiencing Love. When we learn not to judge others - and totally accept them, and not want to change them - we can simultaneously learn to accept ourselves.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.115, Celestial Arts
  • Fear and love can never be experienced at the same time. It is always our choice as to which of these emotions we want.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.56, Celestial Arts
  • If peace is our single aim in all we do, we will always know what to do because we will do whatever will protect and deepen our peace.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. (2008). “Teach Only Love: The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing: Easy Read Comfort Edition”, p.65,
  • There would be very little to dislike in other people if we refused to bring to them all of our own judgements and petty grievances.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (1983). “Teach only love: the seven principles of attitudinal healing”
  • Peace of mind comes from not wanting to change other, but by simply accepting them as they are. True acceptance is always without demands and expectations.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.57, Celestial Arts
  • When we choose only love as the director of our mind we can experience the power and miracle of love.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.50, Celestial Arts
  • Love is the total absence of fear. Love asks no questions. Its natural state is one of extension and expansion, not comparison and measurement.

    Gerald G. Jampolsky (2010). “Love Is Letting Go of Fear, Third Edition”, p.41, Celestial Arts
  • It is when judgment ceases that healing occurs.

    Gerald Jampolsky, Diane V. Cirincione (2010). “Love Is the Answer: Creating Postive Relationships”, p.140, Bantam
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 59 quotes from the Author Gerald Jampolsky, starting from 1925! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!