Frank Capra Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Frank Capra's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Film director Frank Capra's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 49 quotes on this page collected since May 18, 1897! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • One is never completely satisfied. But I can say that I'm not dissatisfied. I've been very fortunate. I've been given some gifts - to take advantage of the contemporary times when I made movies. Gifts to make audiences laugh.

  • The best way to make friends with an audience is to make them laugh. You don't get people to laugh unless they surrender - surrender their defenses, their hostilities. And once you make an audience laugh, they're with you. And they listen to you if you've got something to say. I have a theory that if you can make them laugh, they're your friends.

  • Everybody who works under any system feels confined. It is a natural reaction. You are confined to a certain extent. You are confined if you work in a bank, if you paint. You are confined, in a sense, to your art - the enclosure of your mind. Everybody should break out.

  • Someone should keep reminding Mr. Average Man that he was born free, divine, strong; uncrushable by fate, society, or hell itself; and that he is a child of God, equal heir to all the bounties of God; and that goodness is riches, kindness is power, and freedom is glory. Above all, every man is born with an inner capacity to take him as far as his imagination can dream or envision-providing he is free to dream and envision.

  • Compassion is a two way street.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • If the audience gets everything, if they see the photography and notice that it is good, then the story goes out the window, but if you become involved with the lives of the actors and forget that you are seeing mechanical devices on a huge screen - forget the make-believe - this is the job of the director to involve the audience with the actors.

  • There's music in my films but you seldom hear it. Very early I got the idea that the important things in films were people - the actors. They are the intermediary between the director and the audience. They make direct contact. People to people communication.

  • Scriptwriting is the toughest part of the whole racket... the least understood and the least noticed

  • If You Want to Send a Message, Try Western Union.

  • Things own you. That's the trouble with capitalism. Things own you. With communism and fascism - ideas own you. One idea and you can't have any other.

  • I think of the medium as a people-to-people medium, not cameraman-to-people, not direction-to-people, not writers-to-people, but people-to-peopleYou can only involve an audience with people. You can't involve them with gimmicks, with sunsets, with hand-held cameras, zoom shots, or anything else. They couldn't care less about those things. But you give them something to worry about, some person they can worry about, and care about, and you've got them, you've got them involved.

  • Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music.

    Frank Capra (1971). “The Name Above the Title: An Autobiography”
  • Whenever a situation develops to its extreme, it is bound to turn around and become its opposite.

  • Don't follow trends, start trends.

  • Film is universal. All the countries of the world are making films. Hollywood is the only major unsubsidized center for films. To my knowledge all others are at least partially subsidized. I'm glad Hollywood isn't.

  • In our film profession you may have Gable's looks, Tracy's art, Marlene's legs or Liz's violet eyes, but they don't mean a thing without that swinging thing called courage.

    Frank Capra (1971). “The Name Above the Title: An Autobiography”
  • I have a feeling that demonstrations don't accomplish anything. That they become fads. I also feel that demonstrations wouldn't go on unless there is a TV camera. That part of it all is performance for the media. I didn't know whether they are completely honest.

  • Any kind of dictatorship, I'm uneasy. I just don't like dictators. I don't like crowds. I don't like hordes, and I don't like other people telling me what to do. This is probably a reaction against people telling me what to do when I was a kid. I won't join any group, espouse a cause against some other people.

  • I happen to think that Jesus was the greatest hero of all time. I don't think you could invent that kind of a hero. He had it all - everything that the human spirit could yearn for. There is nothing that man ever said or did, by word or deed that is evil. That is not full of compassion. That is not full of love for your neighbor whether he's down or out, or up - no matter what. He taught that you must love your neighbor whether he's a crook, a beggar, whether he's rich or poor.

  • Making money, getting yourself status in this world is not everything at all. But it has become everything in America. That you really have to get going and keep up with the Jones'. Get a house and a car and other things. And pretty soon you're stymied. Things own you.

  • There are a lot of people who believe that the individual can't make it himself. And that's why people want to join up in various herds - herd formation. So you become part of a herd, a group. Group power of some kind. There's an awful lot of group power people in our country [the USA] - Black power, Chinese power, Indian power, woman power. Everyone is putting in together.

  • There are no rules in filmmaking

    Recalled on his death in People, 16 Sep 1991.
  • In these days of wars and rumors of wars - haven't you ever dreamed of a place where there was peace and security, where living was not a struggle but a lasting delight?

    "Lost Horizon". Book Pages (first lines), February 18, 1937.
  • All you can do is learn the skills of movies. Neither colleges nor anyone else can teach you creativity. They can teach you abilities to work with - you know how to use the gifts you've been born with.

  • Do not help the quick moneymakers who have delusions about taking possession of classics by smearing them with paint.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • Capitalism is supposedly free enterprise. Supposedly about the free individual. But capitalism itself is so massive that the guy on the street gets caught in paying rent, taxes, and he doesn't own himself at all.

  • The best pictures are yet to be made.

  • The Oscar is the most valuable, but least expensive, item of world-wide public relations ever invented by any industry.

    Frank Capra (1971). “The Name Above the Title: An Autobiography”
  • Automatic simply means that you can?t repair it yourself.

  • I'm a living example of getting into films backwards. Merely by accident. Exposure to films and ideas is the best thing that colleges can do.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 49 quotes from the Film director Frank Capra, starting from May 18, 1897! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Frank Capra quotes about: Art Children Film Movies

    Frank Capra

    • Born: May 18, 1897
    • Died: September 3, 1991
    • Occupation: Film director