Elizabeth Wein Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Elizabeth Wein's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Elizabeth Wein's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 45 quotes on this page collected since October 2, 1964! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Elizabeth Wein: Flying more...
  • If you show this devious little liar one atom's worth of compassion I will have you shot.

  • How did you ever get here, Maddie Brodatt?" "'Second to the right, and then straight on till morning,'" she answered promptly-it did feel like Neverland. "Crikey, am I so obviously Peter Pan?" Maddie laughed. "The Lost Boys give it away." Jamie studied his hands. "Mother keeps the windows open in all our bedrooms while we're gone, like Mrs. Darling, just in case we come flying home when she's not expecting us.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.111, Egmont UK
  • I think that what I do is a form of pathetic fallacy, the literary trope in which nature is in sympathy with the mood of the story. I connect the physical setting and props in the story to the emotional state of the characters.

    Source: www.hbook.com
  • It's an illusion I've noticed before-- words on a page are like oxygen to a petrol engine, firing up ghosts. It only lasts while the words are in your head. After you put down the paper or pen, the pistons fall lifeless again.

    Elizabeth Wein (2013). “Rose Under Fire”, p.51, Egmont UK
  • Please come back soon. The window is always open.

  • It was a rather extraordinary conversation if you think about it -- both of us speaking in code. But not military code, not Intelligence or Resistance code -- just feminine code.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.122, Egmont UK
  • She whispered, 'C'etait la Verite?' Was that Verity? Or perhaps she just meant, Was that the truth? Was it true? Did any of it really happen? Were the last three hours real? 'Yes,' I whispered back. 'Oui. C'etait la verite.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.256, Egmont UK
  • It's impossible to stall a Lizzie.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.173, Egmont UK
  • There is only one reason I did not go down in flames over the Angers, and that is because I knew I had Julie in the back. Would never have had the presence of mind to put that fire out if I hadn't been trying to save her life.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.189, Egmont UK
  • We are a sensational team.

    "Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein - review" by Linda Buckley-Archer, www.theguardian.com. March 31, 2012.
  • There’s glory and honour in being chosen. But not much room for free will

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.127, Egmont UK
  • But people need lift, too. People don't get moving, they don't soar, they don't achieve great heights, without someone buoying them up.

    Elizabeth Wein (2013). “Rose Under Fire”, p.198, Egmont UK
  • Kiss me, Hardy!’ Weren’t those Nelson’s last words at the Battle of Trafalgar? Don’t cry. We’re still alive and we make a sensational team.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.64, Egmont UK
  • A part of me will always be unflyable, stuck in the climb.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.295, Egmont UK
  • But a part of me lies buried in lace and roses on a riverbank in France-a part of me is broken off forever. A part of me will be unflyable, stuck in the climb.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.295, Egmont UK
  • Careless talk costs lives.

    Elizabeth Wein (2013). “Rose Under Fire”, p.17, Egmont UK
  • Must stop. This ink is amazing, it really doesn't smear, even when you cry on it

  • But I have told the truth. Isn't that ironic? They sent me because I am so good at telling lies. But I have told the truth.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.180, Egmont UK
  • The very term "turning pages" suggests nonstop action. But I am all about character and beautiful writing. I eat that up like popcorn. Whether a book is action-packed or not, all I need are well-written prose and quirky, fabulous characters to keep me going.

    Source: www.hbook.com
  • Look at me!’ I screeched. ‘Look at me, Amadeus von Linden, you sadistic hypocrite, and watch this time! You’re not questioning me now, this isn’t your work, I’m not an enemy agent spewing wireless code! I’m just a minging Scots slag screaming insults at your daughter! So enjoy yourself and watch! Think of Isolde! Think of Isolde and watch!

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.171, Egmont UK
  • I tend not to attempt to describe pain. I don't feel I can comprehend or re-create the personal suffering of others, so I simply try to tell what happened, or what I imagine happened. I also think it helps to let the reader fill in a lot of the blanks. Melodrama is patronizing. With a straightforward statement, readers can figure out for themselves what's going on.

    Source: www.hbook.com
  • Incredible what slender threads you begin to hang your hopes on.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.212, Egmont UK
  • It is so hard trying to say what you mean.

    Elizabeth Wein (2013). “Rose Under Fire”, p.29, Egmont UK
  • Don't know how I kept going. You just do. You have to, so you do.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.257, Egmont UK
  • Southampton's barrage balloons floated gleaming in the moonlight like the ghosts of elephants and hippos.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.164, Egmont UK
  • It never occurred to him that now he was looking at his master, at the one person in all the world who held his fate right between her palms - me, in patched hand-me-downs and untrimmed hair and idiot smile - and that my hatred for him is pure and black and unforgiving. And that I don't believe in God, but if I did, if I did, it would be the God of Moses, angry and demanding and OUT FOR REVENGE.

  • And I envied her that she had chosen her work herself and was doing what she wanted to do. I don't suppose I had any idea what I 'wanted' and so I was chosen, not choosing. There's glory and honor in being chosen. But not much room for free will.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.127, Egmont UK
  • He just put his hand through the bulkhead, exactly as she'd done, and squeezed my shoulder. He has very strong fingers. And he kept his hand there the whole way home, even when he was reading the map and giving me headings. So I am not flying alone now after all.

    Elizabeth Wein (2012). “Code Name Verity”, p.289, Egmont UK
  • God knows what I thought! Your brain does amazing acrobatics when it doesn't want to believe something.

    Elizabeth Wein (2013). “Rose Under Fire”, p.74, Egmont UK
  • You can come back to friendship. You can let it drop, for five years or ten years, and come back to it.

    Source: www.hbook.com
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Elizabeth Wein quotes about: Flying