Elisha Cuthbert Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Elisha Cuthbert's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Elisha Cuthbert's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 44 quotes on this page collected since November 30, 1982! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Elisha Cuthbert: Character Film Horror more...
  • A lot of people loved to hate my character on 24. I want to be the character people love to love.

  • I certainly realize that not only do I like the horror genre, but I'm getting really good at it and I'm having a good time making them.

  • You know, I've never been much of a method actor. I feel like, with every project I go in extremely prepared and I like to have a good time.

  • As long as I can make an audience feel something, I don't care whether it's a good thing or bad thing, just to feel something is important to me.

  • I find myself maybe just pushing myself to create characters that are a little outside the box, and if that sort of gets the critics talking, then I can take it.

  • That's when you know a horror film delivers - when you're walking out of the theater going 'Oh my God!' You can't get the images out of your mind.

  • I don't like to play characters that are one note, and just the attractive girl in the film.

    "Cuthbert: 'I would love to be in' '24’ Movie" by Larry Carroll, www.mtv.com. July 16, 2007.
  • It's hard to be scared if you don't feel for a character, because you don't care if they die or live.

  • I go into every film not just wanting to play the hot girl in the movie. It kills me.

    "Elisha Cuthbert's acting speaks louder than her beauty in 'the quiet'" by Larry Carroll, www.mtv.com. August 11, 2006.
  • Theres nothing more romantic than Italian food.

  • I just don't like showing everything I've got. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard to be sexy.

  • I don't look in the mirror and think that I have flaws. I actually look in the mirror and see me. I see a lot of different characters and a lot of different things.

    Interview With Kaleem Aftab, www.ign.com. December 6, 2007.
  • Life is funny and it is interesting how we make it as serious as possible.

    Interview with Kaleem Aftab, www.ign.com. December 6, 2007.
  • I've always wanted to shave my head for a role because I've wanted to play a character who had a shaved head. I don't know what the fascination is.

  • I do try and stay away from the stereotype and getting typecast.

  • I Feel like I'm one of the Simpsons

  • Some of the things I've seen a lot of my female-actress friends who are relatively famous receive - I've seen some hideous things. Like some really, really bad things... like, the FBI should be contacted immediately.

    "Elisha Cuthbert says people will 'get a kick out of' Abduction Flick" by Larry Carroll, www.mtv.com. July 11, 2007.
  • I don't ever want to be doing the same sort of thing, I never want to be typecast, because I have way too much to give to be sort of, to always be the hot chick in the movie.

    Interview with Jeff Otto, www.ign.com. May 05, 2005.
  • The celebrity body I most admire is Madonna's. She has the most incredible physique - and the woman's in her 50s!

  • I think it's so wrong to play the victim. There's too many brave women out there that just won't even tolerate it, you know?

  • To sit through a film where you're just unmotivated to be interested in a character is probably the worst thing that could ever happen.

  • When I was 20, I thought I was 30 - but I was so far from it. When you're young, you want everything to happen now. As you mature, you can look back and see all the great things you achieved with time and patience.

  • I think, as an artist, whether you're making people laugh or cry or be frustrated or excited - the fact that you're generating some sort of emotion out of an audience is, to me, worth it.

  • I don't think anything can prepare you for a crew to come in and actually film you as yourself. It's kind of frightening to think that all of a sudden people are going to know how you are, and how you act on a day-to-day basis.

  • I really know right from wrong and apply that to my life. At home, I was the oldest of three. My role was to be the responsible one.

  • I think that, back in the day, there used to be a lot of horror films that kind of had a checklist of what went into making the 'perfect horror film', and I think now people are raising the bar in the industry, as far as the types of horror films that are being made.

  • I do believe that when you know better, you do better. You know what was wrong about the last relationship, and hopefully you will do better the next time.

  • I'm used to being someone else 10 months out of the year.

  • I think wardrobe is a really important part of making a movie and developing the character.

    "Elisha Cuthbert gets a change of wardrobe". Interview, www.today.com. April 8, 2004.
  • The problem with TV now is that there's so much competition, that you're always on the chopping block.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 44 quotes from the Actress Elisha Cuthbert, starting from November 30, 1982! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Elisha Cuthbert quotes about: Character Film Horror