Dossie Easton Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Dossie Easton's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Author Dossie Easton's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 11 quotes on this page collected since February 26, 1944! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • The real test of love is when a person—including you—can know your weaknesses, your stupidities and your smallnesses, and still love you.

    Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt (1997). “The ethical slut: a guide to infinite sexual possibilities”, Greenery Pr
  • We believe that every relationship is unique unto itself, and thus even an attempt to think in types and forms is not going to express the essential truths of what happens when we love people.

  • Sex is nice and pleasure is good for you.

    Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt (1997). “The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities”, Greenery Press (CA)
  • The cultural ban on having sex with your friends is an inevitable offshoot of a societal belief that the only acceptable reason to have sex is to lead to a monogamous marriagelike relationship.

  • Bottoms are alchemists who magically transform pain into sex.

  • Intimacy is based on shared vulnerability Nothing deepens intimacy like the experiences that we share when we feel flayed, with our skins off, scared and vulnerable, and our partner is there with us, willing to share in the scary stuff.

    Scary   Skins   Stuff  
    Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt (1997). “The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities”, Greenery Press (CA)
  • Once you have a handle on loving yourself, you can practice sharing that love with others. You’ve probably been taught to reserve the language of love for when you’re feeling overwhelmingly tender and passionate, and only for those who have made huge commitments to you. We recommend instead learning to recognize and acknowledge all the sweet feelings that make life worthwhile even when they don’t knock you over—and, moreover, learning to communicate those feelings to the people who inspire them.

  • It is cruel and insensitive to interpret an affair as a symptom of sickness in the relationship, as it leaves the 'cheated-on' partner - who may already be feeling insecure - to wonder what is wrong with him Many people have sex outside their primary relationships for reasons that have nothing to do with any inadequacy in their partner or in the relationship.

    Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt (1997). “The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities”, Greenery Press (CA)
  • Do remember: your sexiness is about how you feel, not how you look.

    Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt (1997). “The ethical slut: a guide to infinite sexual possibilities”, Greenery Pr
  • Increasing your repertoire has the advantage that you don't have to give up enjoying what you already like: it is always easier to add new behaviors than to deny your deepest desires.

  • One remedy for the fear of not being loved is to remember how good it feels to love someone. If you're feeling unloved and you want to feel better, go love someone, and see what happens.

    Dossie Easton, Catherine A. Liszt (1997). “The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities”, Greenery Press (CA)
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 11 quotes from the Author Dossie Easton, starting from February 26, 1944! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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