David Gilmour Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of David Gilmour's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Musician David Gilmour's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 91 quotes on this page collected since March 6, 1946! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • I think I'm still trying to be experimental on everything I ever do, but it's not as obviously way-out and experimental as what we were.

    "David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It's a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, www.rollingstone.com. July 7, 2016.
  • There's no way out of here.

    Song: There's No Way Out Of Here, Album: David Gilmour, 1978
  • I have no interest in going on a tour to make money without making new product, new art.

    Billboard Interview, www.billboard.com. February 21, 2006.
  • It's really tough to get happy music going, you know?

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • Jimi Hendrix isn't as good as me!

    "Pink Floyd at Pompeii". Documentary, Music, 1972.
  • I am working on current material, a new album, and that is all still my main motivation of going out and working. We haven't gotten rid of all the new stuff in favor of the old.

    "David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It's a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, www.rollingstone.com. July 7, 2016.
  • Obviously, they're all a gang of idiots. But, you know... live and let live.

    "Pink Floyd: Live at Pompeii", 1972.
  • I think I could walk into any music shop anywhere and with a guitar off the rack, a couple of basic pedals and an amp I could sound just like me. There's no devices, customized or otherwise, that give me my sound.

  • Everyone goes to rotten schools when they're kids, don't they?

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • Obviously record companies tend to be following what the scene is rather than making the scene.

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • These days I don't look to other people with the objective of trying to steal their licks, although I've got no objections to stealing them if that seems like a good idea. I'm sure that I'm still influenced by Mark Knopfler and Eddie Van Halen as well......I can't play like Eddie Van Halen. I wish I could. I sat down to try some of those ideas and can't do it. I don't know if I could ever get any of that stuff together. Sometimes I think I should work at the guitar more.

  • I tend to jot down music.

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • I listen to classical music at home probably more than pop music.

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • Where would rock and roll be without feedback?

    "Pink Floyd at Pompeii". Documentary, Music, 1972.
  • God created a system which gave us freewill.

  • I think myself that, rather like books, music is meant to enter into the brain, well via your ears rather than your eyes but, it's - I think a lot more should be left to the imagination.

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • I don't have a very disciplined approach to practicing or anything, but I do tend to have a guitar around most of the time, which I strum on most of the day.

  • The internet seems to be what a lot of independent bands are doing these days. They're bypassing the studio - the big studios, EMI and all the record companies - and just doing it themselves, online, selling their stuff, getting known through that medium.

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • The future is deterministic in principle, but not in practice.

  • If you have a live reputation and your popularity is proven that way, then you're bound to get signed up because they see all those people buying those tickets and they think some of those people will buy those records, and that's what their business is primarily about.

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • I’m not interested in teaching books by women.

    "Canadian author David Gilmour sparks furore over female writers" by Liz Bury, www.theguardian.com. September 27, 2013.
  • If people would like to come to my concerts I'd love them to come. And if they like the music that I make, I love that too. But I do not make music for other people. I make it to please myself.

    "Q&A: David Gilmour". Billboard Interview, www.billboard.com. February 21, 2006.
  • It's crazy that America gives such a paltry percentage of its GNP to the starving nations.

    "Pink Floyd Reuniting For Live 8 Concert". www.billboard.com. June 12, 2005.
  • I've been in The Who, I've been in The Beatles and I've been in Pink Floyd! Top that!

    Record Collector, May 2003.
  • For me, gradually over the years, you refined your tastes in the way you do things and it becomes maybe less experimental.

    "David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It's a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, www.rollingstone.com. July 7, 2016.
  • The old ways still apply. You can still send tapes to record companies, and there are record companies, you know, there are one or two of the record companies do declare proudly that they listen to every single one that comes.

    Source: www.pinkfloydz.com
  • Adrian Maben came to us with the idea. And we just thought, "Well, why not?" I don't think any of us thought it would be as well received and last in people's minds for as long as it did. All credit to him. It's his idea [Pink Floyd at Pompeii] and it was great.

    "David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It's a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, www.rollingstone.com. July 7, 2016.
  • I can remember a lot of nights performing in those early years where you felt that you hit some good moments, but a lot of the time you're thinking, "Oh, God, this isn't quite making it." So I think that is what makes you in the end refine your view of things a little bit.

    "David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It's a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, www.rollingstone.com. July 7, 2016.
  • How much in life is determined, and how much is due to chance?

  • Being a solo artist is what I do. It's what I've been doing for the last 20 years and a bit before then.

    "David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It's a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, www.rollingstone.com. July 7, 2016.
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