Dan Miller Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Dan Miller's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Mixed martial artist Dan Miller's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 44 quotes on this page collected since June 30, 1981! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Dan Miller: Dreams Goals Motivational Opportunity Today more...
  • The people who complain the loudest about never having an opportunity in life are usually the ones who have no idea what they really want.

    Dan Miller, Jared Angaza (2012). “Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate”, p.37, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • Success is never an accident. It typically starts as imagination, becomes a dream, stimulates a goal, grows into a plan of action - which then inevitably meets with opportunity. Don't get stuck along the way.

    Dan Miller (2015). “48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal”, p.79, B&H Publishing Group
  • Don't wait on perfect conditions for success to happen; just go ahead and do something!

    Dan Miller (2008). “No More Dreaded Mondays: Ignite Your Passion - and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work”, p.54, Crown Business
  • In one line of his poem he said good fences make good neighbors. I'd like to think that Alaska and British Columbia working together can prove that we can be pretty darned good neighbors without fences.

  • Don't be indecisive and unstable in all your ways. Rather, walk in the strength, confidence, and boldness that come from decisive action.

    Dan Miller (2015). “48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal”, p.86, B&H Publishing Group
  • Perfectionism is not as much the desire for excellence, as it is the fear of failure couched in procrastination .

    Dan Miller (2015). “48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal”, p.86, B&H Publishing Group
  • Have you ever noticed that even if God allows you to have a dream, you're expected to work to make it happen?

    Dan Miller, Jared Angaza (2012). “Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate”, p.159, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • No individual can achieve worthy goals without accepting accountability for his or her own actions.

    Dan Miller (2008). “No More Dreaded Mondays: Ignite Your Passion - and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work”, p.51, Crown Business
  • It's easy to focus on the things that divide us. Sometimes too easy.

  • In today’s work arena, creativity may be more of an asset than competence.

  • Find ways to embrace the things that make you unique, and you'll unlock the ways you can make a difference in the world.

    Dan Miller, Jared Angaza (2012). “Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate”, p.44, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • No man can Become Rich without enriching others.

  • The heart of our relationship, this natural environment that has blessed us really all along the west coast of North America, on both sides of the border we've realized that this incredible natural wealth comes with a price.

  • Meaningful work is within your grasp.

  • I started in the industry in Public Relations, Quality Assurance, Information Systems and furniture moving. I tried my hand in design and haven’t looked back. I’m fond of hackysack, racquetball, BBQ grilling, hanging out with my wife and friends

  • Your security is determined by your ability to define what it is you do that has value. The clearer you can be on what it is you do well and what provides value for someone else, the more security you have.

    Dan Miller (2010). “48 Days to the Work You Love”, p.164, B&H Publishing Group
  • The difference between the successful and the troubled is not error-free living; it is that by discovering and implementing a life calling, the successful stand on their pile of trash while the troubled sit under theirs.

    Dan Miller (2015). “48 Days to the Work You Love: Preparing for the New Normal”, p.10, B&H Publishing Group
  • Unfounded fears about your competence and abilities can cripple your unique talents and gifts, which are waiting to be released.

    Dan Miller (2008). “No More Dreaded Mondays: Ignite Your Passion - and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work”, p.60, Crown Business
  • We're also fairly stubborn, I think, fairly independent. We have our share of difficulties with our federal government, although I've tried to as I am here encourage a better way of discussing those problems.

  • Don't settle for comfortable misery, a sad state where you're hanging on to what is most predictable and familiar at the risk of letting exciting opportunities pass you by.

    Dan Miller (2008). “No More Dreaded Mondays: Ignite Your Passion - and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work”, p.68, Crown Business
  • Passion is more developed than discovered.

  • To look for a job before looking deeply inward is likely to short-circuit the process of finding your calling.

    Dan Miller (2010). “48 Days to the Work You Love”, p.74, B&H Publishing Group
  • The key to success is to be true to who you really are.

    Dan Miller (2008). “No More Dreaded Mondays: Ignite Your Passion - and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work”, p.180, Crown Business
  • No high achiever ever woke up in the morning and said ‘let’s see what happens.’

  • Continual learning is the key to continual living.

    Dan Miller, Jared Angaza (2012). “Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate”, p.74, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • How sad that we often diminish our best gifts by struggling valiantly to develop in someone else's area of ability. It is better to focus on your uniqueness and do that with excellence than to end up with mediocrity in several areas.

    Dan Miller (2007). “48 Days to the Work You Love”, p.77, B&H Publishing Group
  • Our expectations determine how we respond. Be careful what you expect.

  • Don't be so busy trying to make a living that you're too busy to make a life.

    Dan Miller, Jared Angaza (2012). “Wisdom Meets Passion: When Generations Collide and Collaborate”, p.118, Thomas Nelson Inc
  • My underwear is my own person buisness.

  • Change, even if unwelcome, forces us to reevaluate what our best options are. Those times of transitions are great opportunities to look for recurring patterns in your life and make adjustments to build on the good and reduce the bad.

    Dan Miller (2010). “48 Days to the Work You Love”, p.28, B&H Publishing Group
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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 44 quotes from the Mixed martial artist Dan Miller, starting from June 30, 1981! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
Dan Miller quotes about: Dreams Goals Motivational Opportunity Today