Cindy Margolis Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Cindy Margolis's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Actress Cindy Margolis's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 54 quotes on this page collected since October 1, 1965! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Cindy Margolis: Babies Children Posters more...
  • I have my loyal cyber-buddies out there, and I really do answer my e-mail. I'm in my pajamas at 3 in the morning with my zit medicine on. I owe everything to them.

  • I am the celebrity spokesperson for Resolve, the national infertility association, and my three precious children were born through infertility procedures. I struggled for many years trying to have children. My beautiful son was born through in vitro fertilization. I had my beautiful twins via a surrogate. So I wanted to give back.

  • I was really stuck in the whole Farah Fawcett hairdo long after it was past being in fashion.

    IGN For Men interview, March 10, 2002.
  • I think that's the great thing, ya' know, that women can do anything that they want now.

  • I gained 80 pounds for my pregnancy so this is like my coming out party.

  • You should see me without makeup.

  • When I got the call from [Hugh] Hefner... I thought, "Wow - at 40, they still want me?" And I thought it's almost an inspiration - like a "you go, girl" moment. I feel empowered that you can be married and and have three children and still be sexy and confident and look great.

  • You have to believe in yourself, that you're gonna succeed.

    "13 Questions With Cindy Margolis". AskMen Interview, December 5, 2006.
  • There's always someone following your next step.

    "IGN For Men Interview: Cindy Margolis". Interview with Spence D., March 10, 2002.
  • We have so many kids in America to be adopted, but it's expensive. All these families that want children aren't able to because of the financial aspect, and that, to me, is just the most disgusting thing ever.

  • That is very important to me, to make fertility mainstream so everyone understands it. If you want to have your miracle child, there are options: adoption, surrogacy, fertility procedures. It is also sadly very expensive, and not all insurance companies cover it.

  • There's no such thing as an overnight success. It took me a long to get there.

    IGN For Men interview, March 10, 2002.
  • I felt proud of myself. I worked out really hard, and the reason I wanted to do it the most is because I am posing for a purpose: a portion of the proceeds from each issue sold is going to go to my charity.

    Issues   Proud   Purpose  
  • I hope every woman out there who wants to be a mother and is suffering with infertility, will explore all the options and know that if you choose the science route, it is okay.

  • Having inner beauty is something you develop on your own, and I like to think I have that.

  • My pictures are airbrushed.

  • I have been blessed in my career and I was able to afford the extra procedures and everything to have my children. Does that make me a better mother than someone who cannot afford it? No, of course not.

  • I've lived my life in a way that I feel would be an example to young women and I've always given my best in everything I've tried.

  • Every couple years when Mr. [Hugh] Hefner would call, I would very graciously decline, because my mom would kill me, and I thought it was more mysterious keeping my clothes on.

  • My bed is actually two king beds put together.

  • Makeup artists are always giving me their stuff. My favorite thing is free stuff. I'll take anything.

  • I think in vitro is a miracle and it has given me my precious little baby boy.

  • I know I play into that image out there, but I try to say it is a fantasy. I look at my own pictures and wish I could look like that. There are probably five people in this whole entire world who actually look like that.

  • When I'm asked what my girls will think when they grow up, I'll tell them that they have to keep their clothes on till they're 40. But when they're 40, they can make their own decisions.

  • Gotham Games called me, and I could not be more thrilled. I've been waiting to be in a video game forever, so when they called there was no hesitation.

  • Yeah, baby! I didn't get to keep the pink baby doll outfit, but I wish I did because people are always telling me I should wear it.

  • The more I learn and read about the 10th Muse i realize what a great fan base and cult following she has. I'm going to try to live up to the fantastic image of the 10th Muse!

  • My mom would have killed me before, but I'm an adult woman now, and I'm ready to show the world that you can have it all at 40 - be fabulous, 40, and pose for Playboy.

  • Back in '96, I was on "The Price Is Right" pointing at refrigerators, and "Extra," the TV show, came down. They were the first entertainment entity that put people up on the Internet, so they put my picture up, and America Online called the next day and said I got a zillion or whatever downloads. I didn't know what a download was!

    "Cindy Margolis Bares All For Playboy". Associated Press Interview, October 31, 2006.
  • I married the man of my dreams in 1998.

    Cindy Margolis, Kathy Kanable (2008). “Having a Baby...When the Old-Fashioned Way Isn't Working: Hope and Help for Everyone Facing Infertility”, p.21, Penguin
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 54 quotes from the Actress Cindy Margolis, starting from October 1, 1965! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Cindy Margolis quotes about: Babies Children Posters