Chris Matthews Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Chris Matthews's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Commentator Chris Matthews's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since December 17, 1945! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • I always thought of him [Jack Kennedy] as a prince, with a charmed life. He was a guy who was sick and in horrendous pain all the time - who would say, "I wish I had a few good days."

  • Here's our policy. It's Unite the world against terrorism.

  • President [Barack] Obama's staking his reelection hopes on rebuilding America's middle class. He wants higher taxes on the wealthy, tougher rules on Wall Street, and everyone else to get a fair shot to succeed. Republicans can cry "class warfare" if they want, but as the president put it today, it's about this country's welfare.

  • Stop calling me communist. Stop calling the rest of us communists. You`ve got to stand up for what you believe should be the American government`s spirit, not what you`re just attacking people`s credibility.

  • I do still think there is a big disconnect between Republicans in Washington, D.C., and Republicans everywhere I go. When you start talking about, you know, foreign entanglements, they just don`t want any part of it.

  • America's the one country in the world where anybody who comes here does better than where they came from.

  • I think in places like Pennsylvania, there`s folks who want our next president to talk like a hawk, but fly like a dove.

  • It's no good to shoot a guy anymore. It's not enough. Nobody is throwing anybody off of buildings after seeing these movies, but they are smoking after seeing some good-looking celebrity smoke.

  • Bill Clinton was for NAFTA. I heard him over in Tokyo he came out all said it was a great bill. Secretary Clinton was for it. She called it the gold standard when she was secretary of state.

  • Around the globe, millions more are mourning the death and celebrating the life of Pope John Paul II .Could any other world leader have drawn so many people to one place?

  • I never know what all of these guys are thinking, but Marco Rubio sounded desperate, like, We've got a leak in the dike, we got to stop this thing.

  • I see some parallels [with Barack Obama] but I don't see the leadership that this guy [John F.Kennedy] had of other men and women. It's more than being the smartest guy in room.

  • Jean [Kennedy Smith, JFK's sister] told me she thinks the whole sports angle has been overplayed, that politics was central to him. This nonsense that he only went into politics because his older brother Joe was killed is not true. He was determined he was going to be in politics, but he would have waited his turn.

    "Searching for the human JFK". Interview with Thomas Fitzgerald, November 1, 2011.
  • John Paul II spoke to the commoner and to the king, to the tyrant and to the democrat in that same language of freedom.

  • Republicans woke up Sunday with an undeniable reality. Donald Trump's the clear front-runner now for their party's nomination. Trump, celebrated, of course, his big win in South Carolina.

  • I thought, giving Jeb Bush the benefit of the doubt all these years, that he was sitting, saying, what a numbnut, what an idiot. My brother's a fool. He's listening to these neocons that talked him into this war. Dad would have never done this.

  • People - Hollywood doesn't talk about how bad cigarette smells when it smells like they wake up in bed with somebody who has been smoking the night before.

    "Joe Eszterhas". "Hardball with Chris Matthews", October 9, 2002.
  • I mean, the idea that Bar could have sent him off on a Grand Tour. But he wasn't the least bit interested. Why? Why isn't he interested in the world? Because here's the bad news for him: He's in the world now.

  • You could see Newt Gingrich, who`s a member of Donald Trump`s country club, already getting together and talking about the new episode of "The Apprentice," with the poor kids in the city.This was a very smart thing to do. He shows that he is the grown-up in the Republican Party.

  • My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often.

    "Clinton Media Relations Strained". "All Things Considered" with Melissa Block, David Folkenflik, February 15, 2008.
  • There is absolutely no record ever of Hillary Clinton or anyone in her campaign ever saying that President [Barack] Obama is not legitimate.

    "Things just got very, very heated between Rudy Giuliani and Chris Matthews". September 8, 2016.
  • I'm reading Joe Eszterhas biography; it's fabulous. Every time he made a movie, he fought with the director or the producer over the ending.

  • I`m surprised people are that hopeful about what government can do, because if you believe in socialism, society can run a pretty decent government, it can provide services, it can regulate the economy effectively.

  • [Donald] Trump faces the perhaps accumulation of all the wealth in the world on the head of [Marco] Rubio, because Rubio's the last gasp of hawks and establishment Republicans.

  • Being a little older is not going to win election. Being a little younger might, especially if the older candidates, Hillary Clinton included, can`t make the case that they have learned something that the younger crowd doesn`t know.

  • Public opinion aside, it will be up to the future pope to continue John Paul II's journey to sainthood. Many of the late pope's followers believe he is already there.

  • Five years from now, 10 years from now, there's going to be a huge Islamic population in the world, they're going to be nationalistic, they're going to be religious, and they're going to be militant.

  • We are trying to pick the next president, not review the birth of the current president.

    "Things just got very, very heated between Rudy Giuliani and Chris Matthews". "Hardball", September 8, 2016.
  • Once having said no to Donald Trump, Mitt Romney can't go back and say, I changed my mind, I'm bowing to the pressure from you.

  • I love what Joe Eszterhas written about Bill Clinton. It's hilarious, Clinton as a rock star, which is the way we should remember him.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 2 quotes from the Commentator Chris Matthews, starting from December 17, 1945! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

Chris Matthews

  • Born: December 17, 1945
  • Occupation: Commentator