Chris Bosh Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Chris Bosh's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Basketball player Chris Bosh's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 2 quotes on this page collected since March 24, 1984! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
All quotes by Chris Bosh: Basketball College School Team Winning more...
  • If somebody attacks me with words, I'm always like, Do you know me? Do you know me that well? Let's have a beer and talk about it.

  • You don't have to appreciate me - I hope you underestimate me. That way, when I have a good game, it'll hit you even harder.

  • Everyone talks about success, but what happens before? There's always something you have to overcome.

  • Parenthood changes your outlook on life. Makes you realize what things are important. The responsibility is huge. Just to have that responsibility in your hands is a little frightening, but it's exciting at the same time.

  • A woman shouldn't heckle. In the public eye, you have to represent not only you but your spouse, too. You have to be a lady. She just has to sit there, clap, and look pretty.

  • We make a living playing basketball. You don't have to be a tough guy or a hard-ass to play this sport. You can be tough but you don't have to have that bravado. Sometimes it's good. But I'm not going to be someone I'm not. It's just me being me.

  • I liked being a kid. I liked being a student.

  • Leaders set the tone for their peers. Peers look up to them and say, 'They're doing it, so I'm doing it.'

  • Just listen to your instincts. Don't talk to someone or start a relationship out of pity.

  • Yeah, that was my best scoreless game ever.

  • It's all about concentration and repetition. That's all it is.

  • Failure either breaks people or it makes them succeed.

  • I've modeled my game after Kevin Garnett and Tim Duncan.

  • Money is not an issue to me. My mother always tells me, money, it comes and it goes.

  • I learned very quickly that the NBA is a very rough place, physically and mentally. There's no mercy.

  • I want to go get a stop on defense so James can do it again. It was a big spurt for him. That made then get out of their game plan and play him closer. But when he does that, we want to make sure we capitalize and get timely stops. And that's what got us right back in the game.

  • I'm just trying to be the best player that I can be.

  • It's a luxury to play. I get to play basketball for a living. I'm a lucky guy and I'm thankful for everything I have and what I get to do. I realize how many people would give their left foot to just play one game in the NBA. This is the NBA!

  • I remember telling my friends I wish I had stayed in school and they didn't understand: "You've got all this money and everything you want." But it wasn't about the money. It was about how I felt right then.

  • I havent won on my birthday since college, so its good to play hard and get a win by double figures.

  • I want to bring that childlike approach every night - just go out there and have fun. I want to play like a kid, for fun but with intensity. Play to win.

  • When I was in school, my favorite subject was math. I took algebra and calculus. At an early age I grasped it and understood it quickly. I just enjoyed breaking the codes and solving problems.

  • I wouldn't like to make anybody cry, I don't dislike anybody. It doesn't even matter - the opponent is always faceless.

    "Not a Third Wheel: A GQ&A with Chris Bosh". Interview with Mark Anthony Green, January 12, 2012.
  • I never expected to leave college early-especially after just one year.

  • If you don't see anything wrong with your game, you need to wake up.

  • I want to hold onto that because I think every kid when they dream about playing basketball, they don't dream about being a role player. They dream about being the man. I have that position in Toronto and to give that up and go somewhere else to be an addition would kinda defeat the purpose of my dreams.

  • You can't worry about what people say, but... People always harp on athletes being selfish individualists.

  • I'm my own biggest critic, and the only way I'm going to improve is to see what I was doing wrong.

  • If you want to win, you have to sacrifice and do what makes the team work most efficiently.

  • There were hard days but I never felt sorry for myself.

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Chris Bosh quotes about: Basketball College School Team Winning

Chris Bosh

  • Born: March 24, 1984
  • Occupation: Basketball player