Charles Stanley Quotes
Helen Keller was blind and deaf when she graduated from college with honors. So what's your problem?
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God wants us to seek Him more than anything else, even more than we seek answers to prayer. When we come to God in prayer, sometimes our hearts are so full of what we want that we leave God out. Our minds become consumed with the gift rather than the giver.
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Adversity is not simply a tool. It is God's most effective tool for the advancement of our spiritual lives. The circumstances and events that we see as setbacks are oftentimes the very things that launch us into periods of intense spiritual growth. Once we begin to understand this, and accept it as a spiritual fact of life, adversity becomes easier to bear.
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As you walk through the valley of the unknown, you will find the footprints of Jesus both in front of you and beside you.
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If you tell God 'no' because He won't explain the reason He wants you to do something, you are actually hindering His blessing. But when you say 'yes' to Him, all of heaven opens to pour out His goodness and reward your obedience.
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God will never direct us to be prideful, arrogant and unforgiving, immoral or slothful or full of fear. We step into these things because we are insensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit within us.
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God will never tell us to do something that gratifies the flesh.
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Attitude and the spirit in which we communicate are as important as the words we say.
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Renewing the mind is a little like refinishing furniture. It is a two-stage process. It involves taking off the old and replacing it with the new. The old is the lies you have learned to tell or were taught by those around you; it is the attitudes and ideas that have become a part of your thinking but do not reflect reality. The new is the truth. To renew your mind is to involve yourself in the process of allowing God to bring to the surface the lies you have mistakenly accepted and replace them with truth. To the degree that you do this, your behavior will be transformed.
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Of all the things Christ wants for us, loving Him and focusing our attention on Him are the most important.
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Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we're waiting for.
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God is responsible for the consequences of our obedience, WE are responsible for the consequences of our disobedience
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The circumstances and events that we see as setbacks are oftentimes the very things that launch us into periods of intense spiritual growth
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Basically, there are two paths you can walk: faith or fear. It's impossible to simultaneously trust God and not trust God.
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If God has positioned us in a certain place, we must leave all the details to Him.
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We are to forgive so that we may enjoy God's goodness without feeling the weight of anger burning deep within our hearts. Forgiveness does not mean we recant the fact that what happened to us was wrong. Instead, we roll our burdens onto the Lord and allow Him to carry them for us.
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God blesses us so that we might bless others!
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God has ways of shaking the world when He is at work. He literally caused the ground to quake when Jesus died on the cross.
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Helping someone come to a saving knowledge of Christ is the greatest achievement possible.
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When you become consumed by God's call on your life, everything will take on new meaning and significance. You will begin to see every facet of your life - including your pain - as a means through which God can work to bring others to Himself.
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I would never discredit reading the Scriptures, but it is important to meditate on it.
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If the Lord says to give more than you think you are able to give, know that He will provide for you. Whether things are sailing smoothly or the bottom has dropped out, He is always trustworthy. You can count on Almighty God to keep His everlasting Word.
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No one enjoys feeling weak, whether it is emotionally, spiritually or physically. There is something within the human spirit that wants to resist the thought of weakness. Many times this is nothing more than our human pride at work. Just as weakness carries a great potential for strength, pride carries an equally great potential for defeat.
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The essence of meditation is a period of time set aside to contemplate the Lord, listen to Him, and allow Him to permeate our spirits.
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Understand that it is often unwise to forgive face to face. This tends to make the other person feel 'put down' and make you look holier-than-thou.
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Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time.
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To become God's mighty servants, we must decide whether we will base our life on His priorities or the world's. The two are incompatible.
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Perhaps you have been ensnared by a sinful habit that you will not abandon, and your guilt is so overwhelming you are ashamed to approach Christ. Whatever the reason for your broken intimacy with God, there is good news. Jesus waits to embrace you now in the arms of unconditional, divine love.
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No matter how far we may wander from the Lord’s perfect will for our lives, we are always welcome back.
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God's arrows of affliction are sharp and painful so He can get our attention. He won't let His beloved children get away with sin because He knows it robs us of blessings, opportunities, and even character refinement.