Cat Stevens Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Cat Stevens's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Singer-songwriter Cat Stevens's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 127 quotes on this page collected since July 21, 1948! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • We need kids to remind us of how incredible this world is. People are increasingly losing their childhoods too soon, and that's a danger. There's a prophesy somewhere that at a certain point in history, children will be gray. It's weird to think about, but it's possible.

  • I listen to the wind, the wind of my soul.

    Song: The Wind, Album: Teaser and the Firecat, 1971
  • The greatest legacy is that which benefits the widest number of people for the longest period without limit to value. No one but the Prophet Muhammad was given that role as the seal of God's message.

  • In a World where people are surrounded by darkness, ignorance and fear, it is a sign of hope to be celebrating Islam's message of peace and light, and the last great Messenger, born and chosen to deliver them to all mankind.

  • From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen.

    Song: Father and Son, Album: Saturnight, 1970
  • After embracing Islam in 1977, I considered the majority of underprivileged dark-skinned people of the so-called Third World brothers and sisters in humanity.

  • I suppose that by being absent from the music business, it appeared that I just dropped out, but really I never did. I was continuously working and doing various things.

  • In those days a concert was a personal experience. I wanted to be as close as possible to the audience and of course big stadiums didn't enable you to do that. It wasn't my style.

    "Feline groovy". Interview with Molloy Woodcraft, July 18, 2004.
  • Some extremists take elements of the sacred scriptures out of context.

    "Faith and the future" by Yusuf Islam, September 18, 2001.
  • So on and on I go, the seconds tick the time out There's so much left to know, and I'm on the road to find out.

    Song: On The Road To Find Out, Album: Tea for the Tillerman
  • I'm looking for a hard-headed woman, One who will make me do my best, And if I find my hard-headed woman, I know the rest of my life will be blessed

    Song: Hard-Headed Woman, 1970
  • In Islam there is a line between let's say freedom and the line which is then transgressed into immorality and irresponsibility and I think as far as this writer is concerned, unfortunately, he has been irresponsible with his freedom of speech. Salman Rushdie or indeed any writer who abuses the prophet, or indeed any prophet, under Islamic law, the sentence for that is actually death. It's got to be seen as a deterrent, so that other people should not commit the same mistake again.

    "Yussuf Islam, Formerly Cat Stevens, Expresses Support For Rushdie Death Sentence". The Christian Science Monitor, 1989.
  • There was no division I could see between the essential teaching of all Prophets and wise men of religion.

  • Man is created to be God's deputy on earth and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next life.

  • Everything I do is for the pleasure of Allah.

  • That there's no link between Islam and Christianity and Judaism. There wouldn't be Islam if there wasn't Christianity or Judaism, because it's all one long line of revelation. Seeing it from that point of view it makes you ask yourself why Muslims sometimes separate themselves from that large family that leads to Abraham and, even before that, to Adam. The only answer is that we're conditioned to do it by thinking, Hey, I do things better than he does.

  • I tried Zen and Ching, numerology, tarot cards and astrology. I tried to look back into the Bible, and could not find anything. At this time I did not know anything about Islam, and then, what I regarded as a miracle occurred. My brother had visited the mosque in Jerusalem, and was greatly impressed that while on the one hand it throbbed with life.

  • Don't you feel a change a coming From another side of time, Breaking down the walls of silence, Lifting shadows from your mind.

    Song: Changes IV, Album: Teaser and the Firecat, 1971
  • I'm not the best of you, but I'm not the worst either.

  • Being larger than life, or being projected as such in the music business, leads you to question yourself. Some people try to forget about it by taking drugs or too much drink, but I was never like that. I was aware that there were very serious, big questions, and I was petrified about what might be in store for me.

  • Though times have changed, it's a nice surprise to see that youthful feeling of anti-war sentiment returning once more to the cobbled main streets of Europe.

  • Miles from nowhere. Guess I'll take my time.

    Song: Miles From Nowhere, Album: Tea for the Tillerman, 1970
  • I've returned to being an amateur without any ties or strings attached, which gives me a freedom I never had before.

    "'Music is part of God's universe'". Interview with Nigel Williamson, March 29, 2005.
  • Will you carry the words of love with you?

    Song: Oh Very Young, Album: Buddha and the Chocolate Box, 1974
  • Not only did the terrorists hijack planes and destroy life, but they also hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam and split the brother and sisterhood of mankind.

  • It's true that the Internet is an equalizer, and everybody can be a star now. Musicians are more touchable these days, and that's a good thing. It's certainly the way I like to live my life, and it's why I don't do concerts in big arenas - I prefer to be in touch with my audience.

  • Love heats my blood, blood spins my head, and my head falls in love.

    Song: I CAN'T KEEP IT IN, Album: Catch Bull at Four, 1972
  • Islam is not just a religion. Islam is everything.

  • I remember when I was a kid, when I just used to love listening to something again and again and over and over. You know, everybody else got sick of it, but I loved that discovery of music and what it did to my world, to my imagination. And so I started really considering, "Yeah, I've got to do more," for kids, particularly.

  • 'Peace Train' is a song I wrote, the message of which continues to breeze thunderously through the hearts of millions. There is a powerful need for people to feel that gust of hope rise up again.

    "Catching a Ride on the Peace Train". April 21, 2003.
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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 127 quotes from the Singer-songwriter Cat Stevens, starting from July 21, 1948! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!

    Cat Stevens

    • Born: July 21, 1948
    • Occupation: Singer-songwriter