Young Wife Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Young Wife". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Young Wife. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Young Wife!
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  • I am not and will never again be a young writer, a young homeowner, a young teacher. I was never a young wife. The only thing I could do now for which my youth would be a truly notable feature would be to die. If I died now, I'd die young. Everything else, I'm doing middle-aged.

    Meghan Daum (2014). “The Unspeakable: And Other Subjects of Discussion”, p.83, Macmillan
  • Young wives are the leading asset of corporate power. They want the suburbs, a house, a settled life, and respectability. They want society to see that they have exchanged themselves for something of value.

    Wife   House   Feminist  
  • Then she had been a fiancee, a young wife, and a mother, and she had discovered that these words were far too small ever to contain the experience.

    Mother   Father   Wife  
    Kim Edwards (2006). “The Memory Keeper's Daughter: A Novel”, p.138, Penguin
  • I. At Tea THE kettle descants in a cosy drone, And the young wife looks in her husband's face, And then in her guest's, and shows in her own Her sense that she fills an envied place; And the visiting lady is all abloom, And says there was never so sweet a room. And the happy young housewife does not know That the woman beside her was his first choice, Till the fates ordained it could not be so.... Betraying nothing in look or voice The guest sits smiling and sips her tea, And he throws her a stray glance yearningly.

    Sweet   Husband   Fate  
    Thomas Hardy (1998). “Hardy: Selected Poems”, p.96, Penguin
  • When the soldier returns from the wars, even though he has white hair, he very soon finds a young wife. But a woman has only one summer; if she does not make hay while the sun shines, no one will afterwards have anything to say to her, and she spends her days consulting oracles that never send her a husband.

    Summer   Husband   War  
    "Lysistrata". Book by Aristophanes, 410 BCE.
  • Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses.

    Marriage   Wedding   Men  
    'Essays' (1625) 'Of Marriage and the Single Life'
  • Late one afternoon when returning from town we were met by a few women and children who told us that Mexican troops from some other town had attacked our camp, killed all the warriors of the guard, captured all our ponies, secured our arms, destroyed our supplies, and killed many of our women and children.. when all were counted, I found that my aged mother, my young wife, and my three small children were among the slain.

    Geronimo, S. M. Barrett (2016). “Geronimo's Story of His Life: As Told to S. M. Barrett”, p.32, Open Road Media
  • I wrote my earliest piece for The Sunday Times about being a young wife.

    Sunday   Wife   Pieces  
  • This is a book called Women in the Shade of Islam. It's published by the government of Saudi Arabia. I picked it up in Pakistan, where the Taliban Ladies Auxiliary, and our young wife in California would've picked up an item like this. And it puts out that Salafi-Wahhabi ideology that is ultimately the toxic poison that is crossing all these borders.

  • Rohan, one of us is an unmarried man with superior mathematical abilities and no prospects for the evening. The other is a confirmed lecher in an amorous mood, with a willing and nubile young wife waiting at home. Who do you think should do the damned account books?" And, with a nonchalant wave, St. Vincent had left the office.

    Book   Home   Men  
    Lisa Kleypas (2007). “Mine Till Midnight”, p.21, Macmillan
  • Rude contact with facts chased my visions and dreams quickly away, and in their stead I beheld the horrors, the corruption, the evils and hypocrisy of society, and as I stood among them, a young wife, a great wail of agony went out from my soul.

    Dream   Agony   Evil  
  • It's tough to stay married. My wife kisses the dog on the lips, yet she won't drink from my glass.

    Marriage   Dog   Couple  
  • When I think of a merry, happy, and free young girl - and look at the ailing aching state a young wife is generally doomed to - which you can't deny is the penalty of marriage.

    "Dearest Child: Letters Between Queen Victoria and the Princess Royal Previously Unpublished" edited by Roger Fulfold, (p. 254), 1964.
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