Supremacy Quotes

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  • In the colonial context the settler only ends his work of breaking in the native when the latter admits loudly and intelligibly the supremacy of the white man's values.

    Frantz Fanon (1965). “Damnés de la terre”, Grove Pr
  • It will be one of the tragedies of Christian history if future historians record that at the height of the twentieth century the church was one of the greatest bulwarks of white supremacy.

    Martin Luther King Jr. (1963). “Strength to Love”
  • The Cheney team had, for example, technological supremacy over the National Security Council staff. That is to say, they could read their e-mails. I remember one particular member of the N.S.C. staff wouldn't use e-mail because he knew they were reading it. He did a test case, kind of like the Midway battle, when we'd broken the Japanese code. He thought he'' broken the code, so he sent a test e-mail out that he knew would rile Scooter [Libby], and within an hour Scooter was in his office.

    Team   Reading   Broken  
  • The ideas of individual supremacy and the right of free expression, when carried to excess, have not worked. They have made it difficult to keep America society cohesive. Asia can see it is not working.. In America itself, there is widespread crime and violence, old people feel forgotten, families are falling apart. And the media attacks the integrity and character of your leaders with impunity, drags down all those in authority and blames everyone but itself.

  • I am deeply worried about Donald Trump on matters of national security. He doesn't know anything himself about it, and he has appointed a national security adviser, Mike Flynn, who is a pro-Russia conspiracy theorist, and he's just put Steve Bannon, a guy with connections to white supremacy and antisemitism, onto the National Security Council.

    Russia   White   Guy  
  • Only those who know the supremacy of the intellectual life──the life which has a seed of ennobling thought and purpose within──can understand the grief of one who falls from that serene activity into the absorbing soul-wasting struggle with worldly annoyances.

    Grief   Struggle   Fall  
  • Black males who refuse categorization are rare, for the price of visibility in the contemporary world of white supremacy is that black identity be defined in relation to the stereotype whether by embodying it or seeking to be other than it…Negative stereotypes about the nature of black masculinity continue to overdetermine the identities black males are allowed to fashion for themselves.

    Fashion   White   Black  
    Bell Hooks (2004). “We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity”, p.12, Psychology Press
  • It is only human supremacy, which is as unacceptable as racism and sexism, that makes us afraid of being more inclusive.

  • If the people are victorious against the government, the nation will be weak; if the government is victorious against the people, the military will have strength. [thus they] will have the means by which they may fight, and thus ascend to supremacy.

  • I think President [Barack] Obama deeply underestimated the force of white supremacy in American life.

  • The white people who are guilty of white supremacy are trying to hide their own guilt by accusing The Honorable Elijah Muhammad of teaching black supremacy when he tries to uplift the mentality, the social, mental and economic condition of the black people in America.

  • Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law.

    Law   Principles   Canada  
  • In this age of the rule of brute force, it is almost impossible for anyone to believe that any one else could possibly reject the law of the final supremacy of brute force.

    Believe   Law   Age  
    Mahatma Gandhi, Anand T. Hingorani, Ganga Anand Hingorani (1985). “The Encyclopaedia of Gandhian Thoughts”
  • The promise to leave the European Union, end the supremacy of EU law and take back control of our democracy. With my leadership, it will be delivered.

    Law   Promise   Democracy  
  • That community is already in the process of dissolution where each man begins to eye his neighbor as a possible enemy, where non-conformity with the accepted creed, political as well as religious, is a mark of disaffection; where denunciation, without specification or backing, takes the place of evidence; where orthodoxy chokes freedom of dissent; where faith in the eventual supremacy of reason has become so timid that we dare not enter our convictions in the open lists, to win or lose.

    Religious   Eye   Winning  
    "A Plea for the Open Mind and Free Discussion" (speech), Albany, N.Y., 24 Oct. 1952
  • Many ideas have struggled over the centuries to dominate the planet. Fascism. Communism. Democracy. Religion. But only one has achieved total supremacy. Its compulsive attractions rob its followers of reason and good sense. It has created unsustainable inequalities and threatened to tear apart the very fabric of society. More powerful than any religion, it has reached into every corner of the globe. It is consumerism

    Powerful   Future   Ideas  
  • Moral supremacy is the only one that leaves monuments, and not ruins, behind it.

    James Russell Lowell (1870). “Among My Books: First [-second] series”, p.3
  • The blind spot for the in the Southern Progressive Movement - as for that matter in the national [progressive] movement - was the Negro, for the whole movement in the South coincided paradoxically with the crest of the wave of racism. Still more important to the association of the two movements was the fact that their leaders were often identical. In fact, the typical Progressive reformer rode to power in the South on a disenfranchising or white-supremacy movement.

  • Baseball is a red-blooded sport for red-blooded men. It's no pink tea, and mollycoddles had better stay out.

    Sports   Baseball   Men  
  • White supremacy has taught white people to be racially, culturally, & politically illiterate.

    White   People   Taught  
  • If I didn't have air supremacy, I wouldn't be here.

  • American liberty is being destroyed by Marxist doctrines that explain society in terms of hegemonic and oppressed groups - whether classes, races or genders - fighting for suzerainty. In these societies spun out of Marxist theorizing, good will does not exist, only the material interests of warring groups. Morality resides in the oppressed, but if the oppressed succeed in becoming hegemonic, their claim to moral supremacy evaporates.

    Fighting   Class   Race  
  • I still have a righteous indignation at injustice, no matter what form it takes. It could be homophobia, it could be white supremacy, male supremacy, imperial arrogance, class subordination or whatever.

    White   Class   Arrogance  
    "Cornel West, 'Living And Loving Out Loud'". "Talk of the Nation" with Neal Conan, October 29, 2009.
  • He called for military supremacy, no welfare and cultural rebirth. It was a nice speech, but it sounded a lot better in its original German.

    Military   Nice   Speech  
  • So long as the opposing forces are at the outset approximately equal in numbers and moral and there are no flanks to turn, a long struggle for supremacy is inevitable.

    Struggle   Numbers   Long  
  • The supremacy of Parliament and the embedding of property rights in Common Law put political power in the hands of men anxious to exploit the new economic opportunities and provided the framework for a judicial system to protect and encourage productive economic activity

  • As a lawyer I am before and above all things for the supremacy of law.

    Law   Lawyer   Supremacy  
    The Queen v. Bishop of London, L. R. 23 Q. B. 452, 1889.
  • Every woman who has had experience with sexual violence of any kind has not just pain, and not just hurt, but has knowledge. Knowledge of male supremacy. Knowledge of what it is. Knowledge of what it feels like. And can begin to think strategically about how to stop it. We are living under a reign of terror. Now what I want to say is that I want us to stop accepting that that's normal. And the only way that we can stop accepting that that's normal is if we refuse to have amnesia everyday of our lives.

    Hurt   Pain   Thinking  
  • Whether...a change from the supremacy of natural science to a new social science will take place...depends on one factor: how many brilliant, learned, disciplined, and caring men and women are attracted by the new challenge.

    Caring   Men   Challenges  
  • Peace is an unstable equilibrium, which can be preserved only by acknowledged supremacy or equal power.

    Will Durant, Ariel Durant (1968). “The Lessons of History”
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