Successful Relationship Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Successful Relationship". There are currently 18 quotes in our collection about Successful Relationship. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Successful Relationship!
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  • We need to know ourselves better so that we can realize what we really want in our life. I think that the first condition for a person to be in a successful relationship is to be happy with the person he or she is, in other words to love themselves.

    "Tarkan Q & A". Tarkan Translations, 2003.
  • I don't want to be labeled as one thing or another. In the past I've had successful relationships with men, and now I'm in this successful relationship with a woman. When it comes to love I am totally open. And I don't want to be put into a category, as in "I'm this" or "I'm that."

    Successful   Past   Men  
    "20Q: Amber Heard". Interview with Eric Spitznagel, August 10, 2011.
  • Communication is the key to successful relationships.

  • Always do what you say you are going to do. It is the glue and fiber that binds successful relationships.

  • The secret of a successful relationship is avoiding the unforgivable and forgiving the unavoidable.

  • Marriage is the lightning rod that absorbs anxiety and stress from all other sources, past and present. When marriage has a firm foundation of solid friendship and mutual respect, it can tolerate a fair amount of raw emotion. A good fight can clear the air, and it's nice to know we can survive conflict and even learn from it. Many couples, however, get trapped in endless rounds of fighting and blaming that they don't know how to get out of. When fights go unchecked and unrepaired, they can eventually erode love and respect, which are the bedrock of any successful relationship.

    Couple   Nice   Stress  
    FaceBook post by Harriet Lerner from Nov 14, 2013
  • The biggest mistake we make in creating successful relationships is that we seek to experience who we are through others rather than allowing others to experience who they are through us.

  • The formula for achieving a successful relationship is simple: you should treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.

  • In all successful relationships, the man respects the woman - and it takes a special guy to handle a successful woman. You have to be confident in who you are and what you do.

    Successful   Men   Guy  
    "Laird Hamilton and Gabby Reece for the Winter cover of Inspirato Magazine". Interview with Grant Davis, December 8, 2014.
  • One aspect of a successful relationship is not just how compatible you are, but how you deal with your incompatibility.

  • Someone once said you could tell the people who were in the most successful relationships by the bite marks on their tongues.

    Barbara Seranella (2001). “Unfinished Business: A Munch Mancini Crime Novel”, p.177, Simon and Schuster
  • One key to successful relationships is learning to say "no" without guilt, so that you can say "yes" without resentment.

    Successful   Keys   Guilt  
  • The key to a successful relationship isn’t just in the words, it’s in the choice of punctuation. When you’re in love with someone, a well-placed question mark can be the difference between bliss and disaster, and a deeply respected period or a cleverly inserted ellipsis can prevent all kinds of exclamations.

    "The Lover's Dictionary". Book by David Levithan, 2010.
  • John Gottman is our leading explorer of the inner world of relationships. In The Relationship Cure, he has found gold once again. This book shows how the simplest, nearly invisible gestures of care and attention hold the key to successful relationships with those we love and work with.

    Book   Successful   Keys  
  • Compassion is the key to a successful relationship because by means of compassion we can access the innermost needs of the other. When we are aware of those needs, we can begin to communicate and not just profess what we think we know and demand that others change because we want them to.

    "Ask Sharon Gannon About Yoga & Veganism | Communication". ORIGIN Magazine Interview,
  • If I seek to fulfill my own needs at the expense of my partner, we are sure to experience unhappiness, resentment, and conflict. The secret of forming a successful relationship is for both partners to win.

    John Gray “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”
  • Don't wait to be successful at some future point, have a successful relationship with the present moment and be fully present in whatever you are doing. That is success.

    "Thriving in the Now with Arianna Huffington and Eckhart Tolle" by Suza Scalora, October 22, 2014.
  • It takes only one person to have a successful relationship.

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