Subpoenas Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Subpoenas". There are currently 22 quotes in our collection about Subpoenas. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Subpoenas!
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  • Democratic Rep. Charles Schumer of New York made a plea to Livingston, the incoming speaker. These new hearings, these new subpoenas wave a red flag that common sense and common wisdom are not welcome here, .. Mr. Livingston, this may be the first and most important task you will ever face as speaker. Lead us out of this abyss.

  • I doubt anything will really come of this lawsuit. First of all, it's a lawsuit. It involves a subpoena. And try to find a Republican who will be willing to be seen serving a black man.

    Men   Black   Doubt  
  • [Donald Trump] is going to be tainted by scandal. Congress hangs by just three Republican votes. If he loses three Republicans, you're going to see investigations, subpoenas.

    Three   Scandal   Vote  
  • Anyone who knows anything about journalism knows that reporters are rarely in a position to investigate anything. They lack the authority to subpoena witnesses, to cross-examine, to scrutinize official records. They are lucky to get their phone calls returned.

    Phones   Media   Lucky  
  • The congressman sends out a tremendous subpoena, they want to see the e-mails, and they delete the e-mails. I can't think of anything, in terms of we're talking about, much more serious than that.

    Thinking   Talking   Want  
  • The Enron scandal continues. The U.S. Senate has announced they are going to subpoena Ken Lay and make him testify. Apparently Lay received the subpoena this morning and then, out of habit, immediately shredded it.

  • I just want to apologize in advance that I don’t have enough subpoenas for all of you.

    "The brash New York prosecutor who's indicting left and right" by Sally Jenkins, March 29, 2015.
  • Hillary [Clinton] bleached and deleted 33,000 e-mails after a congressional subpoena. She got a subpoena from Congress and she said, this is no good, this is terrible, because those 33,000 e-mails had bad stuff.

    Mail   Stuff   Clinton  
  • We have a country where you have Hillary Clinton with her e-mails that nobody's ever seen where she deletes 33,000 e-mails, and that's after getting a subpoena from Congress. If you do that in private business, you get thrown in jail.

    Country   Jail   Mail  
    "Donald Trump’s interview at the Commander-in-Chief Forum". August 9, 2016.
  • Frankly, nobody's every seen anything like what's happening today. When you have somebody getting a subpoena from the United States Congress to have your e-mails and all other information sent, and after - not before, after getting the subpoena, 33,000 e-mails are deleted and acid washed. And nobody even knows what that means, acid wash. It's a very expensive thing to do. Most people don't even know what it means.

  • A wedding invitation is a gift subpoena.

    "Panel Round Two". "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!", February 16, 2013.
  • Democracy is born in dirt, nourished by the digging up and turning over as much of it as can be brought within reach of a television camera or subpoena.

  • When you can spell subpoena without thinking about it, that's when you know you've made it.

  • Although I was brought up in a culturally and religious conservative culture, as a Baptist I was taught that no one has the right to subpoena your conscience.

  • The commission had to subpoena the F.A.A. for documents, had to subpoena NORAD for documents and they will never get the full story. That is one of the tragedies. One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America. But this White House wants to cover it up.

    White   America   Issues  
    "'The White House Has Played Cover-Up'–Former 9/11 Commission Member Max Cleland Blasts Bush". "Democracy Now!" with Amy Goodman, March 23, 2004.
  • It's very difficult to pin down the President of the United States without subpoena powers.

  • All of Dad's relationships ended exactly the same: subpoena, beep of a moving van backing up the driveway, pile of his clothes burning on the front lawn.

    Dad   Moving   Clothes  
    "Titus / The Break-Up". 2000.
  • Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented. Here we have the world's most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations and the communications with each other, their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to US intelligence. Facebook, Google, Yahoo.. all these major US organizations have built-in interfaces for US intelligence. It's not a matter of serving a subpoena. They have an interface that they have developed for US intelligence to use.

    "WikiLeaks revelations only tip of iceberg - Assange". Interview with Laura Emmett, May 2, 2011.
  • If a regular law enforcement agency wants your phone records, all they have to do is issue a subpoena. But now the intelligence agency is not able to quickly gather records and look at them to see who these terrorists are calling.

    Agency   Phones   Law  
  • When reached for comment on the charges, Martha didn't say much, (only) that a subpoena should be served with a nice appetizer.

    Nice   Subpoenas   Should  
  • Thus, in a crucial way, the Kansas hearings repeat the pattern set by the Scopes Trial, which has been repeated many times since, namely, evolutionists escaped critical scrutiny by not having to undergo cross-examination. In this case, they accomplished the feat by boycotting the hearings. I therefore await the day when the hearings are not voluntary but involve subpoenas that compel evolutionists to be deposed and interrogated at length on their views.

    Kansas   Views   Trials  
    "The Vise Strategy: Squeezing the Truth out of Darwinists" by William Dembski, May 11, 2005.
  • You know, this is - one can imagine how life would be different if one body of Congress was controlled by the other party, there would be subpoena power and there would be all - mechanisms to get to the bottom of all sorts of issues of controversy.

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