Studs Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Studs". There are currently 54 quotes in our collection about Studs. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Studs!
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  • He's brilliant. At first, I thought, 'Oh, is he going to be Hollywood stud-like?' But he's a really kind, wonderful person. He said to me one day early in the making of the movie, 'You know, I was kind of worried about you'. He thought I was going to be a perfect skin, which I am certainly not. It didn't take long for Leo to crack and see who I really am, and we became very close. but, I must say, he is absolutely gorgeous.

    Long   Perfect   Skins  
  • This show ["This Is Mike Stud"] will have a ton of layers that people who aren't necessarily my demographic will actually really appreciate...I'm really proud.

  • People are hungry for stories. It's part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another. -Studs Terkel

  • We kiss all the time." I clear my throat, then add, "We it in private." "A smug expression crosses his face. "I don't buy it for a second, 'cause if you were my girlfriend and a stud like me was livin' in your house, I'd kiss you in front of the guy every chance I got as a reminder." "A reminder of w-w-what?" "That you were mine.

    Simone Elkeles (2010). “Rules of Attraction”, p.165, Bloomsbury Publishing USA
  • People ask what those women saw in me. Let's face it, I wasn't a bad-looking stud. But that's not it. It's the music; it's standing up there under the lights. A lot of women just flip; looks have nothing to do with it. You call Mick Jagger good-looking?

    Funny   Light   People  
  • With this project ["This Is Mike Stud"] in general, I tried to put my life on record. All of these things I'm going through right now, I used to dream about and didn't think could ever happen to me.

  • I've always had my ear pierced with a diamond stud. I did it myself when I was 16.

    Ears   Diamond   Studs  
    "What I see in the mirror" by Vinnie Jones, September 21, 2013.
  • Any other iron on you?” he asked impatiently. “Just my tongue stud.” His look was a mixture of curiosity and horror. “I’m kidding, you idiot. Let’s go.

    Iron   Curiosity   Looks  
  • We would have two less championships here if it was not for Manu Ginobili. In my eyes, he's the stud of the world.

    Basketball   Eye   Two  
  • I usually wear moulded boots for training, but I mainly wear studs in matches unless it s really dry.

    Training   Boots   Dry  
    "Peter Crouch Interview - Puma PowerCat 1.10". SoccerBible Interview, March 20, 2014.
  • Studs Lonigan, on the verge of fifteen, and wearing his first suit of long trousers, stood in the bathroom with a Sweet Caporal pasted on his mug.

    Sweet   Book   Long  
    James T. Farrell (2001). “Studs Lonigan”, p.22, Penguin
  • I feel like in L.A., you wake up, you put your diamond studs on, put your workout gear, your cute shades, and it is kind of the outfit you stay in the entire day.

    Cute   Workout   Wake Up  
  • I'm cool with the way I look, I'm not an ugly dog, but I don't see myself as a stud or anything.

    Dog   Looks   Ugly  
  • I have seen everything possible covered in studs and grommets. Also, what I call angry shoes: those platforms with the multiple buckles and studs. I think the polished girl is back.

    Girl   Thinking   Shoes  
    "Nina Garcia So Over ‘Angry Shoes,’ Says ‘Polished Girl Is Back’", August 11, 2010.
  • I should consent to breed under pressure, if I were convinced in any way of the reasonableness of reproducing the species. But my nerves and the nerves of any woman I could live with three months, would produce only a victim... lacking in impulse, a mere bundle of discriminations. If I were wealthy I might subsidize a stud of young peasants, or a tribal group in Tahiti.

    Way   Pressure   Months  
    Ezra Pound (1958). “Pavannes and Divagations”, p.55, New Directions Publishing
  • Well sir, I may not be a for-real cowboy... But I am one hell of a stud!

    Real   Cowboy   May  
  • Go to work and be a Hollywood stud, drive your four wheel drive right into the mud.

    Art   Media   Hollywood  
    Song: Hand To Hold On To
  • His breath in my ear, he ran his tongue along the curved edge, sucking the fleshy lobe and my small diamond stud into his mouth, and my eyes drifted closed while I babbled a weak sound of longing.

    Eye   Sound   Ears  
  • His legs remembered the correct position for squatting down with toys. He played. He fit the round male studs into the round female grooves. He got some thinking done as he hunkered down on his fallen-sleep legs.

    Sleep   Thinking   Males  
  • From a biological viewpoint, patriarchal religion denied women the natural rights of every other mammalian female: the right to choose her stud, to control the circumstances of her mating, to occupy and govern her own nest, or to refuse all males when preoccupied with the important business of raising her young.

    Women   Rights   Religion  
  • Hold'em is to stud what chess is to checkers.

    Gambling   Ems   Chess  
  • Takako looked into Hiroki's eyes and grinned. "You've become quie a stud." "'re the most stylin' girl in the world." Takako smiled faintly. She wanted to thank him, but she was out of breath. She just stared at Hiroki's eyes. She was grateful. At least she wasn't going to die alone. The last person to stay with her ended up being Hiroki. And she was grateful. She really was.

    Girl   Grateful   Eye  
  • So to me, Texas Hold 'em puts me to sleep. At least when you play stud, you can be funny as you deal. Somebody some day is going to come up with a Stud show that's going to work.

    Sleep   Texas   Play  
  • I have known a number of Don Juans who were good studs and who cavorted between the sheets without a psychiatrist to guide them. But most of the busy love-makers I knew were looking for masculinity rather than practicing it. They were fellows of dubious lust.

    Numbers   Lust   Juan  
    Ben Hecht (1954). “A child of the century”, Signet
  • I was a runner and a soccer player living in Okinawa, Japan and I didn't have recruiters coming in to recruit me for sports. So how many kids out there and planning to go to college are super stud athletes but don't have a chance because they come from some podunk town and no one comes to watch them?

    Soccer   Sports   Athlete  
  • With optimism, you look upon the sunny side of things. People say, 'Studs, you're an optimist.' I never said I was an optimist. I have hope because what's the alternative to hope? Despair? If you have despair, you might as well put your head in the oven.

    Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Interview, December 19, 2003.
  • Alright, macho babe boy, I'm not some little ditz to bat my eyelashes at the buff stud in black leather. Don't try your he-man tactics with me. I'll have you know, in my office, I'm known as the ball-breaker. (Amanda)

    Boys   Men   Eyelashes  
    Sherrilyn Kenyon (2007). “Night Pleasures”, p.24, Macmillan
  • Here's a simple way to abolish golf's elitist and exclusionary image and make it a truly all-American sport: ditch that fifties-Republican-martini-drinker's green Brooks Brothers-style sport jacket and make the winner of the Masters slip on something in, say, black leather with plenty of metal studs.

    Sports   Brother   Golf  
  • The guy is a stud with women just following him around wherever he goes. But he is the last one who'll ask anyone to do anything for him. He'd rather just go do it himself.

    Guy   Lasts   Studs  
  • Its always nice to have a stud muffin at the table.

    Nice   Tables   Muffins  
    Janet Evanovich (2011). “Stephanie Plum One, Two, Three: One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly”, p.556, Simon and Schuster
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