Participating Quotes

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  • I believe that the average person can help a lot, not by giving material goods but by participating, by being part of the discussion, by being truly concerned about what is going on in the world.

  • This is supposed to be a participatory democracy and if we're not in there participating then the people that will manipulate and exploit the system will step in there.

    "CJAD" with Peter Anthony Holder, November 21, 1994.
  • The career of politics grants a feeling of power. The knowledge of influencing men, of participating in power over them, and above all, the feeling of holding in one's hands a nerve fiber of historically important events can elevate the professional politician above everyday routine even when he is placed in formally modest positions.

    Max Weber (2009). “From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology”, p.115, Routledge
  • We are thinking beings, and we cannot exclude the intellect from participating in any of our functions.

    Dr. William James (2013). “The William James Reader”, p.669, Simon and Schuster
  • Politics imagined as direct agency, whether by voting or by participating in politics, you can think you're not political because you don't do anything between elections.

    "The Sunday Rumpus Interview: Aleksandar Hemon". Interview with Rachel Dewoskin, April 14, 2013.
  • If we stop believing in a future, if we stop doing things for something else but start doing them for now, some fundamental things change. Retirement becomes less about how much money you can squirrel away now and much more a matter of participating and contributing to your own community now so that they want to take care of you. … We’re going to move into a world where your retirement will be more secure if you’ve made lots of friends with young people rather than collected lots of dollars.

  • Corporate documents, like football game plans, are not easily drafted in a stadium, with thousands of very interested fans participating, each with their own red pencil, trying to reach a consensus on every word.

    Football   Games   Trying  
  • The worst crime committed by totalitarian mind-sets is that they force their citizens, including their victims, to become complicit in their crimes. Dancing with your jailer, participating in your own execution, that is an act of utmost brutality.

    Azar Nafisi (2003). “Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books”, p.76, Random House
  • Since Im in the entertainment business, I think I have to hold a mirror up to myself and say, Am I complicit in miseducating and misinforming our youth by participating in this business, or can I use this business to re-educate and uplift?

  • By participating in the society we live in, we understand our conditions and the way we relate to the world.

    Way   World   Relate  
    "Freely Speaking". Interview with Paul D. Miller, August 22, 2012.
  • To our real, naked selves there is not a thing on earth or in heaven worth dying for. It is only when we see ourselves as actors in a staged (and therefore unreal) performance that death loses its frightfulness and finality and becomes an act of make-believe and a theatrical gesture. It is one of the main tasks of a real leader to mask the grim reality of dying and killing by evoking in his followers the illusion that they are participating in a grandiose spectacle, a solemn or lighthearted dramatic performance.

    Real   Believe   Self  
    Eric Hoffer (1982). “Between the Devil and the Dragon: The Best Essays and Aphorisms of Eric Hoffer”, HarperCollins Publishers
  • This art of participating in happiness is one of the foundations if you want to be happy.

    Art   Foundation   Want  
  • We just have to convince other people that they have power. This is what they can do by participating to make change, not only in their community, but many times changing in their own lives. Once they participate, they get their sense of power.

  • We see not only thought as participating in evolution as an anomaly or as an epiphenomenon; but evolution as so reducible to and identifiable with a progress towards thought that the movement of our souls expresses and measures the very stages of progress of evolution itself. Man discovers that he is nothing else than evolution become conscious of itself.

    Science   Men   Soul  
  • Kant does not think there is anything wrong with being beneficent from sympathy. He thinks we have a duty to cultivate sympathetic feelings by participating in the situations of others and acquiring an understanding of them. He thinks we also have a duty to make ourselves into the kind of person for whom the recognition that something is our duty would be a sufficient incentive to do it (if no other incentives were available to us). That's what he means by "the duty to act from the motive of duty".

  • An athlete gains so much knowledge by just participating in a sport. Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting and, of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. These are all lessons in life.

  • Today I will stop trying to control my relationships. I will participate at a reasonable level and let the other person do the same. I can let go, knowing that the relationship will find its own life-or not-and that I don't have to do all the work, only my share.

  • We're just trying to figure out what being a good citizen is, what participating in a democracy is, what taking responsibility for being an American citizen in a global context means to us.

  • I was participating in my own lynching, but the problem was I didn't know what I was being lynched for.

  • Frankly, I was extremely jealous of his scenes with Zoe Saldana and I think it's totally unfair that I never got to do that. I will never forgive the writers and the director, for having put me in this position, to have to be watching that, rather than participating.

  • No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men.

    Struggle   Men   Pakistan  
    Speech at Islamia College for women, March 25, 1940.
  • What is normally called religion is what I would tend to call music - participating in music, listening to music, making records and singing.

    Will Oldham (2012). “Will Oldham on Bonnie "Prince" Billy”, p.49, W. W. Norton & Company
  • I guess the one thing I really learned from participating in sports was to just never say "no", never stop trying, and to always believe that you can do better than the next fellow. I tried to follow this throughout my life, but I always tried to be respectful about it.

    Sports   Believe   Trying  
    Interview with Marc Blau, 2004.
  • One of the greatest challenges for all of us is to learn how to live in the world without participating in all that it offers. Worldly standards will always be in a state of flux. The only true and unchanging standards are those set by the Savior and His teachings of the restored gospel.

  • The willingness to turn to the Savior, the opportunity of going to sacrament service on a Sunday, and really participating in the ordinance of the sacrament... listening to the prayers, partaking of those sacred emblems. Those are opportunities that really help us to come within the ambit of the Savior's Atonement.

  • Chinese movies are not just about making Chinese local movies. It's about the Chinese money, the Chinese creativeness participating in a global movie. The problem is not the government not supporting this, they of course support this big time. The problem is whether other people are capable of doing the same thing I'm doing.

  • To hear that you're doing something that other people are enjoying, it's a fun game. It's like hitting a tennis ball over the net, and somebody hits it back. That's what it feels like with the fans. It feels like someone else is participating in my creation, and it's quite incredible.

    Fun   Games   People  
  • No individual life is an end in itself. One can live fully only by participating fully in the succession of the generations, in death as well as in life. Some would say (and I am one of them) that we can live fully only by making ourselves answerable to the claims of eternity as to those of time.

    Wendell Berry (2001). “Life is a Miracle: An Essay Against Modern Superstition”, Counterpoint Press
  • Every decision you need to make, every task you need to accomplish, every relationship you need to navigate, every element of daily life you need to traverse, God has already perfectly matched up with an equivalent-to-overflowing supply of His grace. If you don’t agree with that, then you either lack a proper appreciation for what you have, or you are doing things that you’re not supposed to be participating in right now.

    Priscilla Shirer, Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick (2015). “The Resolution for Women, LeatherTouch”, p.21, B&H Publishing Group
  • If I am at a party, I want to be at the party. Too many photographers use the camera to avoid participating in things. They become professional observers.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes".
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