Kennedy Assassination Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Kennedy Assassination". There are currently 9 quotes in our collection about Kennedy Assassination. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Kennedy Assassination!
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  • People tell me, 'Bill, let it go. The Kennedy assassination was years ago. It was just the assassination of a President and the hijacking of our government by a totalitarian regime - who cares? Just let it go.' I say, 'All right then. That whole Jesus thing? Let it go! It was 2,000 years ago! Who cares?'

    "Bill Hicks: Revelations". Documentary, Comedy, 1993.
  • I was driving home the other night, listening to the radio, and the guy filling in for Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM was talking to some other guy about Nazis, UFOs, the Kennedy Assassination, time travel, and George Bush, and how it all relates to OneWorldGovernment. This, of course, made me think about barbell training.

    Art   Home   Thinking  
  • I love talking about Kennedy assassination...a great archetypal example of how totalitarian government...sorry, wrong meeting.

  • Dogs would make totally incompetent criminals. If you could somehow get a group of dogs to understand the concept of the Kennedy assassination, they would all immediately confess to it. Whereas you'll never see a cat display any kind of guilty behavior, despite the fact that several cats were seen in Dallas on the grassy knoll area, not that I wish to start rumors.

    Dog   Cat   Wish  
  • I'd never been interested in the Kennedy assassination until '88, when I read Libra. And from that point, I went out and bought the existing Kennedy theory books, most of which are outlandish. But what DeLillo posits - some rogue CIA guys - is the most dramatically sound, plausible explanation for it.

    Book   Guy   Sound  
    Interview with Chris Wallace, September 9, 2014.
  • The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one over-ridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom those others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.

    Powerful   Past   Roots  
  • It's impossible to write about the Kennedy assassination and its aftermath without taking note of twenty-five years of paranoia which has collected around that event.

    Don DeLillo, Thomas DePietro (2005). “Conversations with Don DeLillo”, p.38, Univ. Press of Mississippi
  • I love talking about the Kennedy assassination. The reason I do is because I'm fascinated by it. I'm fascinated that our government could lie to us so blatantly, so obviously for so long, and we do absolutely nothing about it.

  • The American Dream has run out of gas. The car has stopped. It no longer supplies the world with its images, its dreams, its fantasies. No more. It's over. It supplies the world with its nightmares now: the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, Vietnam.

    Running   Dream   America  
    Metaphors, No. 7, 1983.
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