Empty Heart Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Empty Heart". There are currently 22 quotes in our collection about Empty Heart. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Empty Heart!
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  • The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.

    FaceBook post by Deepak Chopra from Apr 08, 2011
  • I have outlasted all desire, My dreams and I have grown apart; My grief alone is left entire, The gleamings of an empty heart. The storms of ruthless dispensation Have struck my flowery garland numb, I live in lonely desolation And wonder when my end will come. Thus on a naked tree-limb, blasted By tardy winter's whistling chill, A single leaf which has outlasted Its season will be trembling still.

    Dream   Lonely   Grief  
  • Humans will never be hampered as smooth bag. They just dragged and dropped upon his head and empty heart

    Heart   Bags   Empty  
  • Unless your life arises from your spontaneity, from your very empty heart, it is going to be just superficial. And with the superficial you cannot be blissful.

  • In the empty heart, void of self can be heard the echoing cry, "I am the Truth." Thus is man one with the eternal. Travelling, travel and traveller have become one.

    Spiritual   Heart   Men  
    Mahmud Shabistari (2002). “The Secret Rose Garden”, p.90, Red Wheel/Weiser
  • The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others' burdens, easing other's loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas.

    Christmas   Xmas   Heart  
  • Mayfield said, "You asked what I was thinking. Well, I will tell you. I was thinking that a man like myself, after suffering such a blow as you men have struck on this day, has two distinct paths he might travel in his life. He might walk out into the world with a wounded heart, intent on sharing his mad hatred with every person he passes; or, he might start out anew with an empty heart, and he should take care to fill it up with only proud things from then on, so as to nourish his desolate mind-set and cultivate something positive or new.

    Heart   Blow   Men  
    Patrick deWitt (2011). “The Sisters Brothers”, p.105, Granta Books
  • No person, possession, profession, or position ever fills the cup of a wounded, empty heart. It's an emptiness only God can fill.

    God   Heart   Cups  
    FaceBook post by Lysa TerKeurst from Aug 15, 2014
  • All the possessions in the world cannot fill an empty heart with love.

    Heart   World   Empty  
  • Surely, to think your own the only wisdom, and yours the only word, the only will, betrays a shallow spirit, an empty heart.

    Heart   Thinking   Spirit  
    Sophocles (1951). “The Theban Plays: King Oedipus, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone”
  • When a man grows old his joy Grows more deep day after day, His empty heart is full at length But he has need of all that strength Because of the increasing Night That opens her mystery and fright.

    Fear   Heart   Night  
    William Butler Yeats (2011). “Selected Poems And Four Plays”, p.210, Simon and Schuster
  • It is the opener of the heart of God, and a means by which the soul, though empty, is filled.

    Prayer   Heart   Mean  
    "The Works of John Bunyan: Experimental, doctrinal, and practical". Book editing by George Offor, Blackie and son, p. 623, 1858.
  • Hell is not in torture; Hell is in an empty heart.

    Passion   Heart   Hell  
    Khalil Gibran “Selected Short Works of Khalil Gibran”, Library of Alexandria
  • Genius of a kind has always been with me; an empty heart that has taken on a certain wooden quality; an excellent, strong woman's body and a pitiably starved soul.

  • Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.

  • In revival, God is not concerned about filling empty churches, He is concerned about filling empty hearts.

    Heart   Religion   Church  
  • The older we get and the longer we labor in the Church the more there is that we can do. There is no need for any person in this Church to have an empty hand or an empty heart.

    Heart   Hands   Church  
  • Live at the empty heart of paradox. I'll dance with you there, cheek to cheek.

    Heart   Paradox   Empty  
  • I've lived to bury my desires and see my dreams corrode with rust now all that's left are fruitless fires that burn my empty heart to dust. Struck by the clouds of cruel fate My crown of Summer bloom is sere Alone and sad, I watch and wait And wonder if the end is near. As conquered by the last cold air When Winter whistles in the wind Alone upon a branch that's bare A trembling leaf is left behind.

    Summer   Dream   Heart  
  • I’ve lived to bury my desires, And see my dreams corrode with rust; Now all that’s left are fruitless fires That burn my empty heart to dust.

    Dream   Failure   Heart  
  • All money does with an empty heart is allow you to be miserable in style.

    Heart   Style   Doe  
    Twitter post from Nov 2, 2016
  • In a full heart there is room for everything, and in an empty heart there is room for nothing.

    Antonio Porchia (2006). “Voces reunidas”, Pre Textos Ed
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