Daunting Tasks Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Daunting Tasks". There are currently 3 quotes in our collection about Daunting Tasks. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Daunting Tasks!
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  • I think after overcoming breast cancer, you sort of become fearless and somehow going up to your boss to talk about a possible promotion doesn't seem like such a daunting task anymore.

    Cancer   Thinking   Boss  
    "5 Minutes with Hoda Kotb". Interview by Gabrielle Frank, www.cosmopolitan.com. October 12, 2010.
  • Emotional 'literacy' implies an expanded responsibility for schools in helping to socialize children. This daunting task requires two major changes: that teachers go beyond their traditional mission and that people in the community become more involved with schools as both active participants in children's learning and as individual mentors.

  • A daily creative project is like a marathon. It's a ridiculously daunting task, but making an original creation every day gives you an incredible sense of accomplishment. It also forces you to push beyond your mental and physical barriers (especially the ones you've erected for yourself). You'll be amazed at what you produce and what you learn about yourself in the process.

    Noah Scalin (2016). “365 Expanded Edition: A Daily Creativity Journal”, p.3, Voyageur Press (MN)
  • As difficult as it is for a writer to find a publisher-admittedly a daunting task-it is twice as difficult for a publisher to sort through the chaff, select the wheat, and profitably publish a worthy list.

    Writing   Tasks   Wheat  
    Olivia Goldsmith (2014). “The Bestseller”, p.146, Diversion Books
  • Designing a station with artificial gravity would undoubtedly be a daunting task. Space agencies would have to re-examine many reliable technologies under the light of the new forces these tools would have to endure. Space flight would have to take several steps back before moving forward again.

  • The physicist is like someone who's watching people playing chess and, after watching a few games, he may have worked out what the moves in the game are. But understanding the rules is just a trivial preliminary on the long route from being a novice to being a grand master. So even if we understand all the laws of physics, then exploring their consequences in the everyday world where complex structures can exist is a far more daunting task, and that's an inexhaustible one I'm sure.

    Moving   Science   Law  
  • Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks.

    Phillips Brooks (1886). “Visions and Tasks: Sermons Fourth Series”
  • The best thing about endings is knowing that just ahead is the daunting task to start over.

  • A longer time perspective is needed because we face a daunting task both in an intellectual and practical sense.

    Source: quod.lib.umich.edu
  • Despite their rising international acclaim, Sachal Studios remains virtually unknown in Pakistan. The ensemble is faced with a daunting task: to reclaim and reinvigorate an art that has lost its space in Pakistan's narrowing cultural sphere.

    Art   Space   Tasks  
    Source: blogs.indiewire.com
  • In The Art and Aesthetics of Boxing, David Scott addresses the daunting task of establishing a groundwork for the aesthetics of boxing-and succeeds with consummate authority. . . . In Scott's incisive blend of art history, sociology, and sports writing, he makes a daring and original statement about fighters and the artists who enshrined them.

    Sports   Art   Writing  
  • Pray for powers equal to your tasks.

    Prayer   Tasks   Praying  
    Phillips Brooks, John Cotton Brooks (1910). “Sermons: Visions and tasks, and other sermons”
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