Avenues Quotes

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  • The avenues in my neighborhood are Pride, Covetousness and Lust; the cross streets are Anger, Gluttony, Envy and Sloth. I live over on Sloth, and the style on our street is to avoid the other thoroughfares.

    Anger   Pride   Envy  
  • Writing, for me, is a little like wood carving. You find the lump of tree (the big central theme that gets you started), and you start cutting the shape that you think you want it to be. But you find, if you do it right, that the wood has a grain of its own (characters develop and present new insights, concentrated thinking about the story opens new avenues). If you're sensible, you work with the grain and, if you come across a knot hole, you incorporate that into the design. This is not the same as 'making it up as you go along'; it's a very careful process of control.

  • I think that so many actors are defined by the first thing that people see them do, and there were people who simply couldn't accept the fact that I was doing something that they perceived as being a radical departure from Avenue Q.

    Source: www.broadwayworld.com
  • The greatest romance in the life of a lyricist is when the right word meets the right note; often, however, a Park Avenue phrase elopes with a Bleecker Street chord, resulting in a shotgun wedding and a quickie divorce.

  • I wanna get into modeling a little bit, even acting. Just expanding myself as an artist because the music thing ain't forever, and I don't think that's all God got in store for me. He wants me to try new things. Hopefully this music is just an avenue for getting to those things.

    Source: thesource.com
  • Baseball was just the avenue that the Lord used so I can provide for my family.

  • I feel when you walk into somebody's apartment on Fifth Avenue or house in Malibu and you see a Basquiat, a Warhol, a Richard Prince, you say to yourself, '$700,000, $2.2 million, $350,000...' To me that is completely uninteresting. I'd rather go to a house where there's great art and I have no idea who the work is by.

    Art   Ideas   House  
  • Early evening traffic was beginning to clog the avenue with cars. The sun slanted down behind him. Harry glanced at the drivers of the cars. They seemed unhappy. The world was unhappy. People were in the dark. People were terrified and disappointed. People were caught in traps. People were defensive and frantic. They felt as if their lives were being wasted. And they were right.

    Dark   People   Car  
  • The Israeli puppeteer travels to Washington and meets with the puppet in the White House. He then goes down Pennsylvania Avenue and meets with the puppets in Congress. The Israeli leader then 'brings back millions of dollars' in aid to Israel.

    Israel   White   House  
  • I start off but I don't know where I'm going; I try this avenue and that avenue, that turns out to be a dead end, this is a dead end, and so on. The search takes a long time and I have to back-track often.

    Long   Track   Trying  
  • The free system of government we have established is so congenial with reason, with common sense, and with a universal feeling, that it must produce approbation and a desire of imitation, as avenues may be found for truth to the knowledge of nations.

    Letter to Pierre-Étienne du Ponceau (James Madison papers, Library of Congress), January 23, 1826.
  • The egg creams of Avenue A in New York and the root beer float....are among the high points of American gastronomic inventiveness.

    New York   Food   Beer  
  • In New Haven, Conn., when I was growing up, there were two sorts of Irish. There were the "drugstore cowboy" micks, who hung around the Elm Street poolroom over Longley's Lunch. And there were the earnest young Irishmen who fought their way up from the Grand Avenue saloonkeeper backgrounds of their fathers, went through Yale Law School, and have now found high place by the preferment of local politics or in the teaching profession.

  • Even in the old days, we'd make an effort. When I'd go out to score on Eighth Avenue, I'd get my junk and a chocolate doughnut. But I'd always also pick up one of those pita-pocket health food sandwiches. You know, something really good for me.

  • Bleak factory buildings and billboard-cluttered avenues look as beautiful, through the camera's eye, as churches and pastoral landscapes.

    Beauty   Beautiful   Eye  
    Susan Sontag (2011). “On Photography”, p.72, Macmillan
  • I want my gay life to not wind up on the streets-on Second Avenue. But at the same time, I don't care if it does.

    Gay   Wind   Doe  
    Source: www.interviewmagazine.com
  • Social dissipation, as witnessed in the ball-room, is the abettor of pride, the instigator of jealousy, it is the sacrificial altar of health, it is the defiler of the soul, it is the avenue of lust and it is the curse of every town in America.

    Pride   America   Dancing  
  • This show has been a major revitalization of my family life and personal life. It gave my family an avenue to speak to me honestly.

  • Madison Avenue is a very powerful aggression against private consciousness. A demand that you yield your private consciousness to public manipulation.

    Powerful   Yield   Demand  
    Marshall McLuhan, Matie Molinaro, Corinne McLuhan, William Toye (1987). “Letters of Marshall McLuhan”, Oxford University Press, USA
  • Some writers are writing one great, big book and just taking all these different avenues towards it. They might seem on the outside to be different, but they're really not. And that's a different kind of mindset. I don't know why it is, but I just feel like I really want to escape myself as much as I can - myself as the artist, or as the writer, or as the thinker - with each new project, because one, it's just boredom, but also, I guess I just feel most comfortable starting a new book if I just feel a little in the dark about it.

    Book   Writing   Dark  
    Source: therumpus.net
  • I'd like to see a really good kind of closeted 1950s vampire movies. The war is over, the Korean war is over, we're happy now, a little bit of Cold War paranoia ya know, and then mix it up a little bit. I just think there are so many avenues that you could do that.

    War   Thinking   Vampire  
    Source: www.ramascreen.com
  • If anything, I hope being an artist opens up more opportunities 'cause I feel there's a lot of things I could do, like musically and stylistic-wise that I can write, but I don't really have an avenue to show it 'cause most of the things I'm writing are in Hip Hop.

    Wise   Writing   Artist  
    "Singer/Songwriter PJ Shares Her Soundtrack For The Come Up". Interview with Todd Davis, www.parlemag.com. September 9, 2016.
  • The danger of having too close deadlines... It could lead you to just accept an avenue that's not quite good enough.

  • For myself and my own experience now, I don't really need any music. I have enough to listen to with just the sounds of the environment. I listen to the sounds of 6th avenue.

  • Yoga in Mayfair or Fifth Avenue, or in any other place which is on the telephone, is a spiritual fake.

    Spiritual   Yoga   Fake  
    Carl Gustav Jung, Herbert Read, Michael Scott Montague Fordham, Gerhard Adler (1969). “The Collected Works of C. G. Jung: Psychology and religion, West and East”
  • Only in America, Rabbi Golden, do these peasants, our mothers, get their hair dyed platinum at the age of sixty, and walk up and down Collins Avenue in Florida in pedalpushers and mink stoles - and with opinions on every subject under the sun. It isn't their fault they were given a gift like speech - look, if cows could talk, they would say things just as idiotic.

    "Portnoy's Complaint". Book by Philip Roth, 1969.
  • Cubism is fascinating to me. I love trying to figure it out. It's just a different way of seeing... I think there are many avenues that haven't been explored yet.

  • The debt ceiling debacle is almost a horrible metaphor: It's as if a bomb went off at 800 Pennsylvania Avenue and sent shrapnel flying in every direction. I don't know what these guys think they're doing, but it looks like they're committing political suicide.

    Suicide   Thinking   Guy  
  • Believe it or not, I kind of went into professional wrestling so I could get an avenue into acting.

    "Biography/ Personal Quotes". www.imdb.com.
  • At a time when unbridled greed, malignant aggression, and existence of weapons of mass destruction threatens the survival of humanity, we should seriously consider any avenue that offers some hope.

    Stanislav Grof (2000). “Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research”, p.267, SUNY Press
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