William Butler Yeats Quotes About Literature

We have collected for you the TOP of William Butler Yeats's best quotes about Literature! Here are collected all the quotes about Literature starting from the birthday of the Poet – June 13, 1865! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 6 sayings of William Butler Yeats about Literature. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • We are no petty people. We are one of the great stocks of Burke; we are the people of Swift, the people of Emmet, the people of Parnell. We have created most of the modern literature of this country. We have created the best of its political intelligence.

    Speech in Seanad on government measure outlawing divorce, 11 June 1925
  • But O, sick children of the world, Of all the many changing things In dreary dancing past us whirled, To the cracked tune that Chronos sings, Words alone are certain good.

    William Butler Yeats (2015). “When You Are Old: Early Poems, Plays, and Fairy Tales”, p.142, Penguin
  • Shakespearean fish swam the sea, far away from land; Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand.

    William Butler Yeats (2011). “Selected Poems And Four Plays”, p.135, Simon and Schuster
  • What is literature but the expression of moods by the vehicle of symbol and incident?

    William Butler Yeats (2007). “The Celtic Twilight”, p.6, Library of Alexandria
  • Literature is always personal, always one man's vision of the world, one man's experience, and it can only be popular when men are ready to welcome the visions of others.

    William Butler Yeats (2008). “The Collected Works of W.B. Yeats Volume VIII: The Irish Dramatic Movement”, p.33, Simon and Schuster
  • Great literature has always been written in a like spirit, and is, indeed, the Forgiveness of Sin, and when we find it becoming the Accusation of Sin, as in George Eliot, who plucks her Tito in pieces with as much assurance as if he had been clockwork, literature has begun to change into something else.

    William Butler Yeats (2017). “Ideas of Good and Evil”, p.79, Litres
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