William Butler Yeats Quotes About Flight

We have collected for you the TOP of William Butler Yeats's best quotes about Flight! Here are collected all the quotes about Flight starting from the birthday of the Poet – June 13, 1865! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 3 sayings of William Butler Yeats about Flight. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • And God stands winding His lonely horn, And time and the world are ever in flight.

    William Butler Yeats (2010). “The Collected Works of W.B. Yeats Vol X: Later Article: Uncollected Articles, Reviews, and Radio Broadcasts Written After 1900”, p.211, Simon and Schuster
  • Where the wave of moonlight glosses The dim gray sands with light, Far off by furthest Rosses We foot it all the night, Weaving olden dances, Mingling hands and mingling glances Till the moon has taken flight; To and fro we leap And chase the frothy bubbles, While the world is full of troubles And is anxious in its sleep. . . .

    William Butler Yeats (2016). “The Collected Works in Verse and Prose of William Butler Yeats”, p.57, William Butler Yeats
  • When we are high and airy hundreds say That if we hold that flight they'll leave the place, While those same hundreds mock another day Because we have made our art of common things.

    William Butler Yeats (1931). “Later Poems”, p.72, Library of Alexandria
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