• "Dukes of Hazzard" or something you could, you know that, your work is going to be made up of that - episodic television shows. Not that I got many of them, but that was where I - but actually oddly enough though, they were teaching camera terminology at the same time in this acting class, so I actually was able to understand what rack focus and whip pan and all that stuff meant.

    Quentin Tarantino: "Dukes of Hazzard" or something you could, you know that, your work is going to be made up of that - episodic television shows. Not that I got many of them, but that was where I - but actually oddly enough though, they were teaching camera terminology at the same time in this acting class, so I actually was able to understand what rack focus and whip pan and all that stuff meant.
    "Pulp And Circumstance: Tarantino Rewrites History". "Fresh Air" with Terry Gross, www.npr.org. August 27, 2009.