• The technology is available to us today to begin the transition to 100 percent renewable energy. What is keeping us from making that transition is nothing more than misinformation, a lack of knowledge by most people of what is available, and an unwillingness on the part of many of our politicians for either ideological slavishness or something more self-serving, like major campaign contributions from the oil and gas corporations or from utilities who enjoy the monopoly they have on our energy systems.

    Mark Ruffalo: The technology is available to us today to begin the transition to 100 percent renewable energy. What is keeping us from making that transition is nothing more than misinformation, a lack of knowledge by most people of what is available, and an unwillingness on the part of many of our politicians for either ideological slavishness or something more self-serving, like major campaign contributions from the oil and gas corporations or from utilities who enjoy the monopoly they have on our energy systems.
    "ORIGIN Interview: Mark Ruffalo on Climate Change, the Monopoly on Our Energy Systems, Fighting Fracking, the True Cost of Fossil Fuel Pollution, Showing Compassion, and Being Who You Say You Are". Interview with Leilani Münter, www.marandapleasantmedia.com. April 27, 2016.