• Tumblr has a big community of bears and bear chasers. All my favorites on Tumblr and all the fan mail I get is all like, "We want to tickle you! What size shoe are you?" They're all like really big, heavyset, bearded guys who are like, "I want to ride your face like a motorcycle!"

    Jon Gabrus: Tumblr has a big community of bears and bear chasers. All my favorites on Tumblr and all the fan mail I get is all like, "We want to tickle you! What size shoe are you?" They're all like really big, heavyset, bearded guys who are like, "I want to ride your face like a motorcycle!"
    "Nerdy meathead Jon Gabrus on straddling the bro/geek divide". Interview with Kyle Ryan, film.avclub.com. February 3, 2016.