Gay Hendricks Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Gay Hendricks's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Gay Hendricks's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 37 quotes on this page collected since 1945! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Life is at its best when love, money, and creativity are growing in harmony.

    Gay Hendricks, PhD (2009). “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level”, p.6, Harper Collins
  • One of the first things a relationship therapist learns is that couples argue to burn up energy that could be used for something else. In fact, arguments often serve the purpose of using up energy, so that the couple does not have to take the courageous, creative leap into an unknown they fear. Arguing serves the function of being a zone of familiarity into which you can retreat when you are afraid of making a creative breakthrough.

  • The main reason intuition is so important is this: It is a clear sign that you are connecting with your inner spiritual guidance system. Intuition is a direct signal from your deepest self that you are navigating from your true center.

    Gay Hendricks (1996). “The Corporate Mystic: A Guidebook for Visionaries with Their Feet on the Ground”, Bantam
  • Genuine love is between two people who know they are already complete. Genuine love is based on a new paradigm in which both partners are committed to the celebration of each other and their loved ones.

  • If you want to create vital, long-lasting love, you must become a master of verbal & nonverbal appreciation

  • The best attitude to take toward back talk is to reach out and embrace it with love, compassion, and understanding. No need to criticize it for its shortcomings or to waste time in recriminations. Just give a loving nod and a hug to any back talk you get, and move on to the joyful creation of your fulfilled life.

    Gay Hendricks (2010). “Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True”, p.131, New World Library
  • The goal in life is not to attain some imaginary ideal; it is to find and fully use our own gifts.

    Gay Hendricks, PhD (2009). “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level”, p.16, Harper Collins
  • The beauty of the human mind is that any decision that is made can be unmade.

    Gay Hendricks (1993). “Learning to Love Yourself”, p.4, Simon and Schuster
  • Are you willing to take the Big Leap to your ultimate level of success in love, money, and creative contribution?

    Gay Hendricks, PhD (2009). “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level”, p.12, Harper Collins
  • Rule Number One is this: If you’re open to learning, you get your life-lessons delivered as gently as the tickle of a feather. But if you’re defensive, if you stubbornly persist in being right instead of learning the lesson at hand, if you stop paying attention to the tickles, the nudges, the clues—boom! Sledgehammer.

    Gay Hendricks, Tinker Lindsay (2012). “The First Rule of Ten: A Tenzing Norbu Mystery”, p.7, Hay House, Inc
  • Life is fullest when we are most true to ourselves.

  • We keep ourselves so tied up in regretting the past and fearing the future that we don't have any energy left to figure out who we are and what we want to create right now.

  • It is not love that is to blame. But each of us has resistance to the very love we desire. We also have resistance to the space and independence we need. So we go back and forth, not letting ourselves have one or the other. It all boils down to this: Are you willing to have your relationships be a pathway to fully revealing yourself and your potential? If you answer is Yes, real intimacy can be yours on a daily basis.

  • Nobody knows but you what it is that’s sacred to you as far as what you want to manifest in your life. You need to do it by your own chosen standards. Your life does not need to look like anybody else’s life. It’s a commitment that you’re making to a magnificent life measured by your own chosen standards.

  • Wherever your path takes you, may all your deathbed wishes come true, and may you celebrate each and every one of them many long years before your final breath.

    Gay Hendricks (2010). “Five Wishes: How Answering One Simple Question Can Make Your Dreams Come True”, p.135, New World Library
  • A successful life is an authentic life. Happiness and creativity rest on a foundation of transparency to yourself and others. Knowing your own heart and speaking clearly to others keep you on the path.

  • The heart of the matter is that there is nothing the matter with our hearts. It is not love that is to blame. But each of us has resistance to the very love we desire.

    Gay Hendricks, Kathlyn Hendricks (2009). “Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Committment”, p.58, Bantam
  • Many healings of other physical troubles have occurred in my clients after they started to integrate breathing practices into their lives. There is a simple but encompassing reason that may explain this. The human body is designed to discharge 70% of its toxins through breathing. Only a small percentage of toxins are discharged through sweat, defecation and urination. If your breathing is not operating at peak efficiency, you are not ridding yourself of toxins properly.

  • Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments; they've had the same argument hundreds of times.

  • The better we get, the better we want to be.

  • Are you willing to increase the amount of time every day that you feel good inside?

  • You are the absolute creator of what happens to you. This means now. [...] There is awesome power in knowing this fact. As long as there is even one tiny part of you that thinks the world is doing it to you, the world is going to do it to you. When you know 100% that you create it, you will start influencing the world around you in a much bigger and more positive way.

  • Arguments are often like melodramas - they have a predictable beginning, middle, and end.

  • Our species in general had grown accustomed to pain and adversity through millennia of struggle . . . we were only recently evolving the ability to let ourselves feel good and have things go well for any significant period of time.

    Gay Hendricks, PhD (2009). “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level”, p.8, Harper Collins
  • As we free our breath through diaphragmatic breathing, we relax our emotions and let go our body tensions.

  • The only relevant question is whether you will let it be possible for you.

    Gay Hendricks, PhD (2009). “The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level”, p.14, Harper Collins
  • The highest goal of spirituality is Self-realization, but what does that mean? It means to feel your Self as a living reality in this moment, and there is always only this moment. (10)

  • Welcome the back talk, because it's completely natural and normal. It's actually a sign that the new idea you've planted in your mind is taking root.

  • Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed out inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old, familiar zone where we feel secure.

  • It's been said a thousand ways by hundreds of different people through the years, but is still as true as ever. If mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Yellow H. Most couples have not had hundreds of arguments; they've had the same argument hundreds of times.

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  • We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 37 quotes from the Writer Gay Hendricks, starting from 1945! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
    Gay Hendricks quotes about: Creativity Inspirational