Gabrielle Dennis Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Gabrielle Dennis's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Gabrielle Dennis's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 4 quotes on this page collected since October 19, 1981! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • Without a plan your kind of just like a dog chasing it's tail, your not getting anywhere.

    Dog   Tails   Kind  
  • A lot of times if you go to counseling you find out the thing we think are big issues to our partner is not near as big as we think it is.

  • I think a lot of men just automatically like to lie, because they feel like their protecting a women's feelings.

    Lying   Men   Thinking  
  • I think most women we go through a stage in relationship, this is men and women where I'm trusting you, but now I got to test it, I have to make sure your the real deal.

    Real   Men   Thinking  
  • Everybody when you propose and talk about putting your life together, the ultimate goal is the same. I think sometimes people forget your background and however you were raised. You want to have a different route to get to that goal.

    Thinking   People   Goal  
  • I would love to write and produce. I feel as if as an actor I'm just a small part you have to multi-task to survive in the entertainment industry.

    Writing   Tasks   Actors  
  • I just want to be in the moment and enjoy the outdoors and nature. Be able to take advantage of all the things God provided for us. That would be really nice.

    Nice   Would Be   Want  
  • In the black community when we think of a couselor or sitting down with a therapist there is that taboo attached to people of being psychotic and crazy. Really it's not it's just sitting down having a conversation.

    Crazy   Thinking   People  
  • A relationship cannot survive the test of time without trust.

  • I feel like there's always somebody out there ready to take your man. If you got a good man, women are like you know their sleeping around.

    Sleep   Men   Good Man  
  • The common sense has kind of kept me completely out of trouble. This is a life where it could have went a different way. I feel like I'm definitely being watched and I'm so thankful for that to feel this protected and loved and embraced by God.

  • It's true that the man stealer is always lurking around the corner it's just our job and your duty to make sure they back up!

    Jobs   Men   He Man  
  • Honesty is a big deal, and when your honest everything will fall into place.

    Honesty   Fall   Bigs  
  • A lot of times I feel like people stick around in a relationship because they feel a primal need to be with that person for whatever reason.

    People   Needs   Sticks  
  • In so many ways I'm just thankful for common sense. Common sense keeps you out of trouble.

  • We as women look around for things that we need to pay attention too just in case.

    Needs   Looks   Attention  
  • Sometimes I will read the whole script just to see what my character is doing, but I won't touch a script that I'm not in because it's just so much more exciting as a fan to me to watch the show as it's happening.

  • Your basically saying when your ready to marry somebody your wanting to spend your whole life with them with their flaws and all. If your still testing them then it's something there that needs to be worked out. That really falls on the person doing the test. A lot of times it is based on insecurities.

    Fall   Insecurity   Needs  
  • When your trying to be an adult in a relationship you seriously don't need to lie or front and try to put on this big picture or pseud like your something that your not.

    Lying   Trying   Adults  
  • Stay true to yourself because a lot of times women get so wrapped up in doing for a man that we forget to focus on us. A lot of times that is unattractive. They love us because we are independent and focused on the things that make us happy. Because when they see you happy, their happy!

    Independent   Men   Focus  
  • Definitely, I'm always nice. Sometimes I wish I could be naughty, I'm just a little too boring.

    Nice   Naughty   Wish  
  • There's obviously more of us than there is men, so that's why its important that you feel like its someone you want to be with long term. You should make it impossible for a man/woman to want someone else providing all the things within reason.

    Men   Long   Important  
  • Comedy, it's a way for me to keep my acting chops. It's like a free acting class, to get up in front of a live audience. You get to have fun telling stories.

    Fun   Class   Acting  
  • I don't know if it's still taboo in our culture but counseling is a great thing because sometimes you need someone from the outside to sit down and go over whatever the questions or conflicts are and come to a resolution.

  • Be honest about who you are and what your bringing to the table and what your expectations are.

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We hope you have found the saying you were looking for in our collection! At the moment, we have collected 4 quotes from the Gabrielle Dennis, starting from October 19, 1981! We periodically replenish our collection so that visitors of our website can always find inspirational quotes by authors from all over the world! Come back to us again!
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