Fethullah Gulen Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Fethullah Gulen's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Preacher Fethullah Gulen's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 32 quotes on this page collected since April 27, 1941! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
  • Muslims have never been and never can be so base as to expect any solutions to their problems through terror.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • The Muslim world suffers from internal divisions, antidemocratic practices, and the violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

    Interview with David Kenner, foreignpolicy.com. February 25, 2010.
  • Tolerance, a term which we sometimes use in place of the words respect, mercy, generosity, or forbearance, is the most essential element of moral systems; it is a very important source of spiritual discipline and a celestial virtue of perfected people.

    God   Respect   Spiritual  
    M. Fethullah Gülen (2010). “Toward Global Civilization Love Tolerance”, p.56, Tughra Books
  • The purpose of our creation is obvious: to reach our utmost goals of belief, knowledge, and spirituality; to reflect on the universe, humanity, and God, and thus prove our value as human beings.

    Wisdom   Islamic   Goal  
    M. Fethullah Gülen (2010). “Toward Global Civilization Love Tolerance”, p.168, Tughra Books
  • Only a few people seem to realize that social harmony and peace with nature, between people, and within the individual only can come about when the material and spiritual realms are reconciled.

    God   Spiritual   Nature  
  • [Terrorism] is formed of certain fundamental problems, [including] ignorance, poverty, and fear of others. Some people take advantage of the young and foolish. They are manipulated, abused, and even drugged to such an extent that they can be used as murderers on the pretext of some crazy ideals or goals.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • The Koran says that humanity has been created to recognize and worship God and, as a dimension of this worship, to improve the world in strict avoidance of corruption and bloodshed. It requires treating all things and beings with deep compassion. This is my philosophy, which obliges me to remain aloof from all worldly titles and ranks.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • One will never reach distant shores, if he chooses to remain upon the dock, In fear his little ship of dreams may be dashed against the rocks.

    Dream   Fear   Rocks  
  • Today, people are talking about many things: the danger of war and frequent clashes, water and air pollution, hunger, the increasing erosion of moral values, and so on. As a result, many other concerns have come to the fore: peace, contentment, ecology, justice, tolerance, and dialogue. Unfortunately, despite certain promising precautions, those who should be tackling these problems tend to do so by seeking further ways to conquer and control nature and produce more lethal weapons.

    War   Erosion   Air  
  • Some [people] think that there is a central organization responsible for all the institutions they wrongly think affiliated with me. They ignore the zeal of many to serve humanity and to gain God's good pleasure in doing so. They ignore people's generosity. Such misunderstandings may lead others to have suspicions about the financial resources of the schools.

    Source: gulenlibrary.org
  • I do not believe so many Turks suspect my activities. The idea that this movement of volunteers is suspected by many Turks arises in the same way and for the same reasons that the world hears more about those Muslims whom the media call radicals. Since those who give this impression are extremely loud, some observers can be deceived.

    Believe   Media   Ideas  
    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • I have never imagined being or wished to be chosen as something important in the world. I have always tried to be a humble servant of God and a humble member of humanity.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • I am not indifferent to the appreciation of kind people. [The voters were] extremely kind in naming me the world's top public intellectual, a title to which I can never see myself as entitled.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • To defeat terrorism, we must acknowledge that we are all human beings. It is not our choice to belong to a particular race or family. We should be freed from fear of the other and enjoy diversity within democracy. I believe that dialogue and education are the most effective means to surpass our differences.

    Believe   Mean   Race  
    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • A small minority in Turkey even accuses me of having political ambitions, when in fact I have been struggling with various illnesses for many years.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • Terrorism is one of the cardinal sins that the Koran threatens with hellfire.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • Mature people never make difference of opinion a means of conflict.

    M. Fethullah Gulen, Ali Unal (2007). “Pearls of Wisdom”, p.88, Tughra Books
  • Islam abhors and absolutely condemns terrorism and any terrorist activity.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • I cannot accept concepts such as Gülenism or Gülenist. I was only a writer and an official preacher among people. I can have no direct influence on any person or activity. It is inconceivable that I can exert pressure on anybody.

    Interview with David Kenner, foreignpolicy.com. February 25, 2010.
  • Interfaith dialogue is a must today, and the first step in establishing it is forgetting the past, ignoring polemical arguments, and giving precedence to common points, which far outnumber polemical ones.

    Past   Giving   Today  
    "Humanity Needs a Touch of Magical Interfaith Dialogue" by Arzu Kaya Uranli, www.huffingtonpost.com. May 6, 2013.
  • I have repeatedly declared that it is impossible for a true Muslim to be a terrorist, nor can a terrorist be regarded as a true Muslim.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • Islam as a religion focuses primarily on the immutable aspects of life and existence, whereas a political system concerns only social aspects of our worldly life.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • Lovers cannot imagine any opposition, no matter how small, to the beloved. They cannot endure to see the beloved veiled by something that causes Him to be forgotten. Moreover, lovers regard as futile any speech not about the beloved, and any act not related to Him as ingratitude and disloyalty.

    Love   God   Loyalty  
    M. Fethullah Gulen, Ali Unal (2007). “Pearls of Wisdom”, p.22, Tughra Books
  • Tolerance is our safest refuge and our fortress against the handicaps that arise from schism, factions, and the difficulties inherent in reaching mutual agreement

    M. Fethullah Gülen (2010). “Toward Global Civilization Love Tolerance”, p.56, Tughra Books
  • Only those who overflow with love will build the happy and enlightened world of the future.

    Love   Happiness   Future  
    M. Fethullah Gülen (2010). “Toward Global Civilization Love Tolerance”, p.122, Tughra Books
  • A person is truly a human if he or she learns, and teaches, and inspires others. It is difficult to regard as truly human someone who is ignorant and has no desire to learn.

  • Politics can be a factor neither in shaping Islam nor directing Muslims' acts and attitudes in Islam's name.

    Attitude   Names   Islam  
    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • I have never had, nor will I ever have, any [political] ambitions. The only thing on which I have always set my heart is being able to gain God's good pleasure and, therefore, trying to make him known correctly and loved by humanity.

    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • Some people may regard my views well and show respect to me, and I hope they have not deceived themselves in doing so. Some people think that I am a leader of a movement.

    Thinking   Views   People  
    "Meet Fethullah Gülen, the World’s Top Public Intellectual". Foreign Policy Interview, foreignpolicy.com. August 4, 2008.
  • Love is one of the most subtle blessings that the All-Merciful One has bestowed upon humanity.

    Love   God   Blessing  
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Fethullah Gulen quotes about: Dialogue God Humanity Islam Love Spirituality Terrorism Tolerance

Fethullah Gulen

  • Born: April 27, 1941
  • Died: April 13, 2017
  • Occupation: Preacher