Charles Henry Mackintosh Quotes

On this page you can find the TOP of Charles Henry Mackintosh's best quotes! We hope you will find some sayings from Writer Charles Henry Mackintosh's in our collection, which will inspire you to new achievements! There are currently 13 quotes on this page collected since d. November 2, 1896! Share our collection of quotes with your friends on social media so that they can find something to inspire them!
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  • May we all be in such a condition of soul, such an attitude of heart as will fit us for any little work in which our gracious Lord may be pleased to use us- not seeking a place for ourselves, but lovingly serving all. The Lord, in His great mercy, grant that thus it may be, with all His beloved people!

  • Nothing can touch the Word of God. Not all the powers of earth and hell, men and devils combined, can ever move the Word of God. There it stands, in its own moral glory, spite of all the assaults of the enemy, from age to age. 'For ever, 0 Lord, Thy Word is settled in heaven.'

    Christian   Moving   Men  
  • What we have in Christ Jesus-Redemption through His blood is the beginning and foundation of everything.

    Christian   Jesus   Blood  
  • Here lay Cain's fatal mistake: "He was rejected, not because he was a sinner, but because, being a sinner, he had dared to approach a holy God without blood."

  • Love to Christ is proved by doing the things which He commands, and not merely saying, Lord, Lord.

    Love   Christ   Lord  
    Charles Henry Mackintosh, Andrew MILLER (One of the Plymouth Brethren.) (1857). “Notes on the Book of Genesis. [By C. H. M., i.e. C. H. Mackintosh. Edited by A. M., i.e. Andrew Miller.] Second edition, revised”, p.178
  • The man who will present Christ to others must be occupied with Christ for Himself.

    Christian   Men   Christ  
    Charles Henry Mackintosh (2012). “Notes on the Pentateuch - Volume 2: Exodus”, p.49, Lulu Press, Inc
  • It is much better to be drawn by the joys of heaven, than driven by the sorrows of earth.

    Heaven   Joy   Sorrow  
    Charles Henry Mackintosh (2012). “Notes on the Pentateuch - Volume I: Genesis”, p.174, Lulu Press, Inc
  • It is vain to speak of approaching judgment when finding our place, our portion, and our enjoyment in the very scene which is to be judged.

    Speak   Judgment   Scene  
    Charles Henry Mackintosh (2012). “Notes on the Pentateuch - Volume I: Genesis”, p.178, Lulu Press, Inc
  • No power of earth, or hell, men or devils, can possibly stand against the word of God; and hence it is the very height of folly and wild madness for any one to set up his thoughts or reasonings in opposition to the plain statements of Holy Scripture; and, on the other hand, it is the beginning and end of all true wisdom to submit in all things to the absolute authority of that Word which is settled forever in Heaven.

    Christian   Men   Hands  
  • We have the Bible in our hands; but how little we know of its teaching! And how little are we governed by it! We go on, from week to week, year to year, with things which have no foundation whatever in its pages- yea, with things utterly opposed to its teaching; and, all the while, we boast of having the Scriptures, just like the Jews of old, who made their boast of having the oracles of God, while those very oracles condemned themselves and their ways, and left them without a single plea.

  • People are so prone to lean upon gifted men. And if they cannot have such, they get discouraged and scattered, instead of getting lovingly together and helping one another by their mutual faith.

    Christian   Men   People  
  • A true evangelist is almost as great a rarity as a true pastor. Alas! Alas! How rare are both! The two are closely connected. The evangelist gathers the sheep; the pastor feeds and cares for them. The work of each lies very near the heart of Christ- [Who Is] The Divine Evangelist and Pastor.

    Christian   Lying   Heart  
    Charles Henry Mackintosh (2012). “The Mackintosh Treasury - Miscellaneous Writings - Volume V: The Church – The Body of Christ”, p.7, Lulu Press, Inc
  • One cannot conquer the evil in himself by resisting it ... but by transmuting its energies into other forms. The energy that expresses itself in the form of evil is the same energy which expresses itself in the form of good; and thus the one may be transmuted into the other.

    Evil   Energy   May  
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