• Innovative people have always been in high demand. Help those around you to develop that “never-say-die” attitude by developing it yourself. Make a decision, today, to outlaw complaining, whining and negative thinking in your own personality. And, a word of caution: if and when you are criticized for being so positive or as some call it, “unrealistic,” you will know you are on the right track.

    Bob Proctor: Innovative people have always been in high demand. Help those around you to develop that “never-say-die” attitude by developing it yourself. Make a decision, today, to outlaw complaining, whining and negative thinking in your own personality. And, a word of caution: if and when you are criticized for being so positive or as some call it, “unrealistic,” you will know you are on the right track.
    FaceBook post by Bob Proctor from Dec 07, 2011