Arthur C. Clarke Quotes About Giving

We have collected for you the TOP of Arthur C. Clarke's best quotes about Giving! Here are collected all the quotes about Giving starting from the birthday of the Film writer – December 16, 1917! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 4 sayings of Arthur C. Clarke about Giving. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • Why, Robert Singh often wondered, did we give our hearts to friends whose life spans are so much shorter than our own?

  • I have a fantasy where Ted Turner is elected President but refuses because he doesn't want to give up power.

    "And I Quote: The Definitive Collection of Quotes, Sayings, and Jokes for the Contemporary Speechmaker". Book by Ashton Applewhite, Tripp Evans and Andrew Frothingham, January 15, 1992.
  • The realisation that our small planet is only one of many worlds gives mankind the perspective it needs to realise sooner that our own world belongs to all its creatures.

  • No utopia can ever give satisfaction to everyone, all the time. As their material conditions improve, men raise their sights and become discontented with power and possessions that once would have seemed beyond their wildest dreams. And even when the external world has granted all it can, there still remain the searchings of the mind and the longings of the heart.

    Arthur C. Clarke (2012). “Childhood’s End”, p.99, RosettaBooks
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