Albert J. Nock Quotes About Pedantry

We have collected for you the TOP of Albert J. Nock's best quotes about Pedantry! Here are collected all the quotes about Pedantry starting from the birthday of the Author – October 13, 1870! We hope you will be inspired to new achievements with our constantly updated collection of quotes. At the moment, this page contains 2 sayings of Albert J. Nock about Pedantry. We will be happy if you share our collection of quotes with your friends on social networks!
  • Learning has always been made much of, but forgetting has always been deprecated; therefore pedantry has pretty well established itself throughout the modern world at the expense of culture.

    Culture   World   Pedants  
  • Diligent as one must be in learning, one must be as diligent in forgetting; otherwise the process is one of pedantry, not culture.

  • Perhaps the prevalence of pedantry may be largely accounted for by the common error of thinking that, because useful knowledge should be remembered, any kind of knowledge that is at all worth learning should be remembered too.

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Did you find Albert J. Nock's interesting saying about Pedantry? We will be glad if you share the quote with your friends on social networks! This page contains Author quotes from Author Albert J. Nock about Pedantry collected since October 13, 1870! Come back to us again – we are constantly replenishing our collection of quotes so that you can always find inspiration by reading a quote from one or another author!