Wasps Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Wasps". There are currently 61 quotes in our collection about Wasps. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Wasps!
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  • A king who feared wasps once decreed that they were abolished. As it happened, they did him no harm. But he was eventually stung to death by scorpions.

    Kings   Fear   Scorpions  
    Idries Shah (1983). “Reflections”, p.22, Octagon Press Ltd
  • A slavish concern for the composition of words is the sign of a bankrupt intellect. Be gone, odious wasp! You smell of decayed syllables.

  • I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created parasitic wasps with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of Caterpillars.

    God   Garden   Thinking  
  • He's about as predictable as a Wasp on speed.

  • It was enormously challenging because you want that all-American girl, but you also want the cool WASP, privileged white girl. Usually, women in that package aren't funny.

    Girl   White   Challenges  
    Source: collider.com
  • A man walks into a pet shop and says: "Give me a wasp." The shopkeeper replies: "We don't sell wasps." He says: "There's one in the window."

    Funny   Humor   Men  
  • Scandal is an importunate wasp, against which we must make no movement unless we are quite sure that we can kill it; otherwise it will return to the attack more furious than ever.

  • I here present thee with a hive of bees, laden some with wax, and some with honey. Fear not to approach! there are no wasps, there are no hornets here. If some wanton bee chance to buzz about thine ears, stand thy ground and hold thy hands-there's none will sting thee, if thou strike not first. If any do, she hath honey in her bag will cure thee too.

    Hands   Honey   Buzz  
  • I have two brothers and we basically spent our lives playing in the woods, falling in ponds, getting chased by wasps and riding donkeys that we shouldn't have been riding.

    Brother   Fall   Two  
  • Because his basic idea that he got from the study of gall wasps is that everyone's sexuality is unique.

    Unique   Ideas   Study  
  • Our dream dashes itself against the great mystery like a wasp against a window pane. Less merciful than man, God never opens the window.

    Jules Renard (2008). “The Journal of Jules Renard”, p.243, Tin House Books
  • Are we not wasps who spend all day in a fruitless attempt to traverse a window-pane - while the other half of the window is wide open?

    "Fingers Pointing Towards the Moon: Reflections of a Pilgrim on the Way". Book by Wei Wu Wei, 1958.
  • A wasp in a wig is altogether beyond the appliances of art.

    Art   Wigs   Wasps  
    "The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll". Book by Stuart Dodgson Collingwood (p. 146), 1898.
  • I'm half Jewish, but no one believes me because my looks lean a little WASP-y... It's sometimes hard for me to get the roles I'm drawn to.

    Believe   Roles   Looks  
    Biography/Personal Quotes, www.imdb.com.
  • Spring rain leaking through the roof dripping from the wasps' nest.

    Spring   Rain   May  
    Matsuo Basho, “Spring Rain”
  • And books which told me everything about the wasp, except why.

    Book   Wasps  
    Dylan Thomas, “A Child's Christmas In Wales”
  • Calumny is like the wasp which worries you, and which it is not best to try to get rid of unless you are sure of slaying it; for otherwise it returns to the charge more furious than ever.

  • As best I could make out, having never heard the term until I arrived in California, being a WASP meant being mossbacked, lockjawed, rigid, humorless, cold, charmless, insipid, less than penetratingly bright, but otherwise---and inexplicably---to be envied.

    California   Cold   Wasps  
    Kay Redfield Jamison (2014). “An Unquiet Mind: A memoir of moods and madness”, p.26, Pan Macmillan
  • I am aware that I am very old now; but I am also aware that I have never been so young as I am now, in spirit, since I was fourteen and entertained Jim Wolf with the wasps. I am only able to perceive that I am old by a mental process; I am altogether unable to feel old in spirit. It is a pity, too, for my lapses from gravity must surely often be a reproach to me. When I am in the company of very young people I always feel that I am one of them, and they probably privately resent it.

    Often Is   People   Age  
    Mark Twain (2013). “Autobiography of Mark Twain”, p.266, Univ of California Press
  • The batsman's technique was like an old lady poking her umbrella at a wasp's nest.

  • Your house sounds like a train at midday, the wasps buzz, the saucepans sing, the waterfall enumerates the deeds of the dew . . .

    House   Sound   Dew  
    Pablo Neruda (2007). “100 Love Sonnets”, p.79, Exile Editions, Ltd.
  • If there is a rumor in the air about you, you'd better treat it as you would a wasp: either ignore it or kill it with the first blow. Anything else will just stir it up.

    Blow   Air   Rumor  
  • At what point is a wasp ever going to have a chat with a spider?

    Spiders   Wasps  
    "The Ricky Gervais Show" podcast (Season 1, Episode 3), December 19, 2005.
  • Most people, when they imagine New England, think about old colonial homes, white houses with black shutters, whales, and sexually morbid WASPs with sensible vehicles and polite political opinions. This is incorrect. If you want to get New England right, just imagine a giant mullet in paint-stained pants and a Red Sox hat being pushed into the back of a cruiser after a bar fight.

  • I'm a girl of extremes. When I love something, I'm like a puppy dog (without all the licking). When I'm cranky, I'm a wasp (like a whole hive of 'em). And when I'm angry, I'm a Mother Bear with a predator after her cubs: Dangerous.

    Girl   Mother   Dog  
  • Golf is the only opportunity that middle-aged WASPs have to dress up like a pimp.

    Golf   Opportunity   Pimp  
  • I am the queen of spades, I am the wasp that stings, I am the dark serpent. I am the invulnerable animal who passes through fire and is not burned.

    Queens   Dark   Animal  
    Elena Ferrante (2005). “The Days of Abandonment”, p.64, Penguin
  • Alas! fond child, How are thy thoughts beguil'd To hope for honey from a nest of wasps? Thou may'st as well Go seek for ease in hell, Or sprightly nectar from the mouths of asps. The world's a hive, From whence thou canst derive No good, but what thy soul's vexation brings: But case thou meet Some petty-petty sweet, Each drop is guarded with a thousand stings.

    Sweet   Children   Soul  
    Francis Quarles, Robert Wilson (A. M.) (1839). “Emblems divine and moral”, p.17
  • It may be annoying, but the rash of hijackings by Connecticut WASP girls surely explains the time-consuming - but still somehow completely useless - examination of my personal effects. We all have to make sacrifices for airline safety.

    Girl   Sacrifice   Safety  
  • Concerning the generation of animals akin to them, as hornets and wasps, the facts in all cases are similar to a certain extent, but are devoid of the extraordinary features which characterize bees; this we should expect, for they have nothing divine about them as the bees have.

    Aristotle (2013). “Delphi Complete Works of Aristotle (Illustrated)”, p.1790, Delphi Classics
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