Valley Forge Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Valley Forge". There are currently 10 quotes in our collection about Valley Forge. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Valley Forge!
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  • I was with George Washington at Valley Forge, sitting around before an attack... gimme a break. That's over 70 years ago already.

    Years   Valleys   Sitting  
  • We've been a free people living under the law, with faith in our Maker and in our future. I've said before that the most sublime picture in American history is of George Washington on his knees in the snow at Valley Forge. That image personifies a people who know that it's not enough to depend on our own courage and goodness; we must also seek help from God, our Father and Preserver.

    Father   Law   People  
    United States. President (1981-1989 : Reagan), Ronald Reagan (1982). “Ronald Reagan”
  • The wind bit hard at Valley Forge one Christmas. Soldiers tied rags on their feet. Red footprints wrote on the snow...

    War   Wind   Feet  
    Carl Sandburg (2003). “The Complete Poems of Carl Sandburg”, p.282, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
  • From reading of the people I admired - ranging from the soldiers of Valley Forge and Morgan's riflemen to my Southern forefathers and kinfolk - I felt a great admiration for men who were fearless and who could hold their own in the world. And I had a great desire to be like them.

    War   Reading   Men  
  • This Memorial Day should remind us of the greatness that past generations of Americans achieved from Valley Forge to Vietnam, and it should inspire us with the determination to keep America great and free by keeping America safe and strong in our own time, a time of unique destiny and opportunity for our Nation.

    Nixon, Richard M. (1975). “Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Richard M. Nixon, 1974”, p.457, Best Books on
  • I noticed some time ago that neither of the candidates are quoting the founders. If they are, they're doing it so rarely that I haven't noticed, or enough to be negligible. Certainly, neither is invoking the image of [George] Washington at Valley Forge or the Shining City Upon a Hill. In addition to this being true for John McCain and Barack Obama, it was true for Hillary Clinton as well.

  • From the bitter cold winter at Valley Forge, to the mountains of Afghanistan and the deserts of Iraq, our soldiers have courageously answered when called, gone where ordered, and defended our nation with honor.

    Winter   Iraq   Soldier  
  • I consider it an indispensible duty to close this last solemn act of my official life by commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God and those who have the superintendence of them into his Holy keeping.

    George Washington (1838). “Monuments of Washington's patriotism: containing a fac simile of his publick accounts kept during the revolutionary war; and some of the documents connected with his military command and civil administration; together with an eulogium on the character of Washington, by W. Jackson”, p.9
  • It's been written that the most sublime figure in American history was George Washington on his knees in the snow at Valley Forge. He personified a people who knew that it was not enough to depend on their own courage and goodness, that they must also seek help from God - their Father and preserver. Where did we begin to lose sight of that noble beginning, of our conviction that standards of right and wrong do exist and must be lived up to? Do we really think that we can have it both ways, that God will protect us in a time of crisis even as we turn away from him in our day-to-day life?

    God   Father   Thinking  
  • [Ronald Reagan] called the image of [George] Washington praying on his knees in Valley Forge "the most sublime image in American history."

    Sublime   Valleys   Knees  
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