Unintended Consequences Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Unintended Consequences". There are currently 43 quotes in our collection about Unintended Consequences. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Unintended Consequences!
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  • The manufactured consensus of the IPCC has had the unintended consequences of distorting the science, elevating the voices of scientists that dispute the consensus, and motivating actions by the consensus scientists and their supporters that have diminished the public's trust in the IPCC.

  • All history is the history of unintended consequences.

    "The Confidence Economy". Interview with B. R. Cohen, www.publicbooks.org. May 7, 2013.
  • The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent.

  • We could solve this problem of a divided vote, or an unintended consequence of your vote, to a voting system which uses your name, where I am right now, they've got it on the ballot for a statewide referendum which enables people to.

    Names   People   Voting  
    Source: www.cpa-connecticut.com
  • He is led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention

    An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations vol. 2, bk. 4, ch. 2 (1776) See Adam Smith 1
  • What I have learned from studying counterfactual history is that the law of unintended consequences always kicks in no matter how secure you are in your plan. We have to live with the historical record as it is, like it or not.

    Source: www.motherjones.com
  • With calm, knowledgeable precision, Daniel Ziblatt wades into the adjacent swamps of federalism and nineteenth-century European history, emerging with hands full of gems. Beneath the tangle of great statesmen and national culture he discovers conflicting regional political interests, sharp regional variations in political capacity, fearful defenses against excessive democracy, coercive conquest of weak states, and unintended consequences galore. Read, think, and learn.

  • Even limited military actions end up carrying with them great costs and unintended consequences.

    Military   Cost   Action  
    Interview with Steve Inskeep, www.npr.org. August 10, 2015.
  • Clearly there are always unintended consequences of any legislative or regulatory act that's taken in the heat of battle.

    Taken   Battle   Heat  
  • Politics is tricky; it cuts both ways. Every time you make a choice, it has unintended consequences.

    Cutting   Choices   Way  
    "From Ticketmaster To Trees". Interview with Scott Thill, www.wired.com. October 17, 2008.
  • The internet is the most complex system that humans have ever invented. And with every internet enabled operation that we've seen so far, all of these offensive operations, we see knock on effects. We see unintended consequences.

    Source: www.pbs.org
  • Happiness cannot be attained by wanting to be happy - it must come as the unintended consequence of working for a goal greater than oneself.

  • Without reflection, we go blindly on our way.

    Margaret J. Wheatley (2010). “Finding Our Way: Leadership for an Uncertain Time (Large Print 16pt)”, p.262, ReadHowYouWant.com
  • The term blowback, which officials of the Central Intelligent Agency first invented for their own internal use, . . . refers to the unintended consequences of policies that were kept secret from the American people. What the daily press reports as the malign act of terrorists or drug lords or rogue states or illegal arms merchants often turn out to be blowback from earlier American operations.

    Chalmers Johnson (2001). “Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire”, p.23, Macmillan
  • I'm just worried about the unintended consequences of the laws.

    Source: www.foxnews.com
  • The law of unintended consequences is the only real law of history.

    Real   Law   History  
  • In terms intellectually, [what] shaped my life was the whole Munich thing [the Munich Agreement] that I knew about all my life, in terms of how large powers make decisions that affect small countries, and the unintended consequences of that. The other part is I knew about the Holocaust. l just didn't know that it applied to my family. But that did affect the way I thought about what I was seeing as ethnic cleansing in the Balkans; there's no question about that.

    Source: www.chicagomaroon.com
  • I think it's brought the world a lot closer together, and will continue to do that. There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent.

  • I do think that I have a better sense of how military action can result in unintended consequences.

    Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
  • Unintended Consequences is full of substance, it is one of the must-read books of the year, and once I finish it I will be giving it a second read through right away.

    Book   Years   Giving  
  • If there is one lesson for U.S. foreign policy from the past 10 years, it is surely that military intervention can seem simple but is in fact a complex affair with the potential for unintended consequences.

    Military   Past   Simple  
    "The Libyan Conundrum". content.time.com. March 10, 2011.
  • Call me an extremist but killing a few hundred million people seems like the sort of method that might have unintended consequences.

    People   Might   Killing  
    Usenet article, 2005.
  • It is...highly probable that from the very beginning, apart from death, the only ironclad rule of human experience has been the Law of Unintended Consequences.

  • Good intentions can often lead to unintended consequences. It is hard to imagine a law intended for the workforce known to Henry Ford can serve the needs of a workplace shaped by the innovations of Bill Gates.

    Law   Innovation   Needs  
    "Walberg Statement: Hearing on "The Fair Labor Standards Act: Is It Meeting the Needs of the Twenty-First Century Economy?" As prepared for delivery". Committee Statements, edworkforce.house.gov. July 14, 2011.
  • Unintended consequences, he thought miserably. He was angry at his anger, the way it surged up and took over.

    Jeanne DuPrau (2012). “The Books of Ember Omnibus”, p.68, Random House Books for Young Readers
  • The trouble with anger is, it gets hold of you. And then you aren't the master of yourself anymore. Anger is. And when anger is the boss, you get unintended consequences.

    Anger   Boss   Trouble  
    Jeanne DuPrau (2012). “The Books of Ember Omnibus”, p.56, Random House Books for Young Readers
  • Every government intervention [in the marketplace] creates unintended consequences, which lead to calls for further government interventions.

  • Probably the most visible example of unintended consequences, is what happens every time humans try to change the natural ecology of a place.

    Change   Trying   Example  
  • It's not in the mainstream media yet, but the biggest jump in skin cancer has occurred since the advent of sunscreens. That kind of thing makes me happy. The fact that people, in pursuit of a superficial look of health, give themselves a fatal disease. I love it when 'reasoning' human beings think they have figured out how to beat something and it comes right back and kicks them in the nuts. God bless the law of unintended consequences. And the irony is impressive: Healthy people, trying to look healthier, make themselves sick. Good!

    Cancer   Thinking   Media  
    George Carlin (1998). “Brain Droppings”, Hyperion
  • Unintended consequences get to the heart of why you never really understand an adaptive problem until you have solved it. Problems morph and "solutions" often point to deeper problems. In social life, as in nature, we are walking on a trampoline. Every inroad reconfigures the environment we tread on.

    Richard T. Pascale, Jerry Sternin, Monique Sternin (2010). “The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems”, p.192, Harvard Business Press
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