Towns Quotes

On this page you will find all the quotes on the topic "Towns". There are currently 2675 quotes in our collection about Towns. Discover the TOP 10 sayings about Towns!
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  • The marvelous maturity of London! I would rather be dead in this town than preening my feathers in heaven.

  • It's a fickle town, a tough town. They getcha, boy. They don't let you escape with minor scratches and bruises. They put scars on you here.

    Biography/Personal Quotes,
  • I've always been an avid reader. Everyone in my family read a lot. Considering we were from a little town, we were pretty literate.

    "New Again: John Malkovich". Interview with Becky Johnston, December 10, 2015.
  • You can get the monkey off your back, but the circus never leaves town

  • Many feel that sitting at a screen sweating over the design of handrail details for the next cute downtown boutique hotel just doesn't make sense when more than 150,000 people have lost their lives, more than five million people have been made homeless and whole towns have been swept away.

    "What can we do?" by Jonathan Glancey, January 10, 2005.
  • You wouldn't believe how the town was named for me. I was met by the whole population, headed by the mayor.

    Believe   Towns  
  • The most disgusting, appalling horror of our world that we live in, to me, is sex trafficking and the enslavement of men and women, boys and girls, in the sex industry. That is the most horrific, horrific thing that's happening and it's happening in all of our towns here in Los Angeles, in New York, in London, in Paris, all over the world, and I think that's really what has to be addressed.

  • The thing about Nashville is, it's not just country music...There's rock & roll, there's every kind of music. It's just a music town...There's so much fun stuff to get in to.

  • In little pockets of conversation, old men were telling stories of ancient floods. Women were talking of about how much rain there'd been in other towns -- Paragould, Lepanto, and Manila.

  • I can't imagine being anything creative in a major town because everybody's doing the same exact thing you're doing. How can you not get confused about what you yourself are doing?

    "The Raconteurs". Interview with Jonathan Durbin, November 29, 2008.
  • Superstorm Sandy inflicted havoc and heartache throughout the Northeast, hitting the Big Apple and its surrounding coastal towns hard.

    "Gen. Honoré: Sandy recovery is stumbling" by Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, November 15, 2012.
  • I will always approach life from a small-town vibe. It makes experiences more fantastical.

    "Hot Topic: Landon Liboiron" by Lauren Levinson, April 19, 2013.
  • There are 10,000 local governments in the state of New York. Ten thousand! Town, village, lighting district, water district, sewer district, a special district to count the other districts in case you missed a district.

  • My father was often impatient during March, waiting for winter to end, the cold to ease, the sun to reappear. March was an unpredictable month, when it was never clear what might happen. Warm days raised hopes until ice and grey skies shut over the town again.

    Tracy Chevalier (1999). “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, E P Dutton
  • There are these little towns outside of L.A. Once you get an hour and a half, two hours out, you get into these little, tiny towns that are almost like stuck in time.

    "Joe Manganiello is ready for your Pee-wee Herman slash fic". Interview with Kyle Ryan, March 23, 2016.
  • ...he was like a man who stands upon a hill above the town he had left, yet does not say 'The town is near,' but turns his eyes upon the distant soaring ranges.

    Thomas Wolfe (1997). “Look Homeward, Angel”, p.508, Simon and Schuster
  • In the years when teenagers really need to be connected to somebody, they aren't; especially in small towns where kids are bored and look for something to get them going.

    "Biography / Personal Quotes".
  • Quebec City is the most European of any city in North America, they speak French all the time. There is a part of town called Old Quebec which is really like being in France. The architecture is just gorgeous, food, shopping. I'd say Quebec city is the most beautiful city in North America I've seen.

    "Ex-Skid Row Frontman Sebastian Bach on What's Cool in Canada". Interview with Avinash Ramsadeen, October 12, 2011.
  • There was a young man in our community who said he wanted to be a minister, and my father was trying to mentor him in the ministry, and something supposedly happened in town.And this young man was jailed. I remember my father lamenting and saying, well, regardless of what happened, he's human; he's human like the rest of us and he deserves, to be heard and to be seen.

  • I grew up in a very small town which is remote even by Indian standards. I always dreamed of the world.

    Interview with Bonnie Greer, June 12, 2002.
  • n case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died - an entire town destroyed.

    "Obama Gaffe: "10,000" Died In Kan. Tornado". May 9, 2007.
  • I've had women who move to the towns I'm living in, just pack up and move there, never even met 'em before, 'cause they heard I lived there.

  • Walking down the street in any town or city in the world and having people look at you and start talking to you, convinced that they know you as well or better than they do members of their own family, that's just an odd phenomenon. But I mean, I wouldn't say it was a bad thing. It's an interesting thing.

    "Viggo Mortensen Speaks: Part 1 of 3". Interview with Ethan Gilsdorf, March 10, 2012.
  • If you go out on the Appalachian Trail, you have to bring so much more equipment - a tent, sleeping bag - but if you go hiking in England, or Europe, generally, towns and villages are near enough together at the end of the day you can always go to a nice little inn and have a hot bath and something to drink.

  • In a deal, you give and take. You compromise. Then you grab the cash and catch the next train out of town.

  • If one of us, any of us, any American is traveling in a town somewhere in America and a medical crisis hits them, for someone who is diabetic or perhaps has heart disease or some other problems, where do we get the records to determine what to do?

    Heart   America  
  • I never thought that I could make a living out of my voice, to be completely honest. I thought that I could probably keep playing pubs. And it was exciting for me to get even just a pub gig in my town or country, when I went to university.

    "Biography / Personal Quotes".
  • Quick, name some towns in New Jersey

    James Thurber (1996). “James Thurber: Writings & Drawings (including The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)”, p.190, Library of America
  • Something quite special has played out in the picturesque valleys and mountains, towns and villages of France over the past three weeks. For all who appreciate sport, it was a privilege and an inspiration to watch.

  • And on the last day, the bad days become so difficult to recall, because one way or another, she had made a life here, just as I had. The town was paper, but the memories were not. All the things I’d done here, all the love and pity and compassion and violence and spite, kept welling up inside me.

    John Green (2010). “Paper Towns”, p.156, Bloomsbury Publishing
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